Chapter 9

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"I need some time to think"

"I need some time to think"

"I need some time to think"

The words replayed in her head like a broken record. She must've really messed up this time. She had nobody to blame but herself though. She was anxious and depressed and it felt like everything was so much worse now. Why had she done that? Why couldn't she have just left him alone and let her what ifs and fears slowly fade into the nothing. She knew that wouldn't happen though. Her what ifs always rang through her head even from the furthest corner.
She bounced her leg, awkwardly stirring her tea with her spoon as Rachel stared intently at her email. Rachel peeked over the screen, smiling nervously at Ami, "Are you nervous too?" Ami nodded, faking her best smile, "Yeah.." Rachel sighed, "I just don't want to be disappointed.. you know?" Ami smiled, "No I totally get that but it's okay. We've been doing this since we were like 8." Rachel nodded, "Yeah.. since we were 8." Ami grabbed her hand, "I swear you will get in." Rachel frowned, "I know I'm good but I don't know if I'm necessarily that good though, Ames."

     Ami squeezed her hand, "That's a load of BS. Don't you remember?"
     Rachel and Ami, 16 years old, were waiting on the cast list of the recent audition. Their company was doing Addams Family and they were beyond excited as the clock was ticking, counting down to the release of the cast list. Both Ami and Rachel had gotten called back for multiple female roles but Rachel was hoping with all her soul that she would get either Morticia or Wednesday. They were two dream roles of hers and she didn't know what she'd do if she didn't get them.
     1 Minute to cast list. Rachel couldn't help but chew on her thumb, a nervous tic of hers. They hit refresh to find a list of names on the website now. Rachel grabbed the computer and frantically scrolled to the leads and her eyes grew wide as saucers. She felt tears streaming down her face and she couldn't stop smiling as Ami looked at her expectantly, "Well?" Rachel sat the computer down gently before hugging Ami tightly, "Wednesday, Ami! Wednesday!" Ami laughed and hugged back, "I'm so proud of you Rach!" Ami checked the cast list for her own name and laughed, "I get to be a grandma! Sick!"

"And that wasn't the only big role you've gotten either," Ami laughed, "You're talented. You deserve to get in the cast, Rachel." Rachel smiled at the old memories before nodding her head in determination, "Yeah.. you're right."

Y'all I'm so sorry I've been gone :(

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