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A shook was all it took to wake me up from my beauty sleep, "get up, it's already 11." A voice firmly said.

I blinked a few times and opened my eyes to be attacked by sunlight, it blinded me for a good few second until I manned up and opened my eyes fully.

"What was that for?" I exclaimed annoyingly, "what was what?" The man said and walked towards my side of the bed, he was already readied up. Trousers and a plain t shirt with some trainers on, Riot.

Why he gotta be so moody?

"Nothing." I pushed past him and stood up walking my way to the bathroom. He grabbed my wrist tightly holding me back from walking away, looked me in the eye and said. "Get ready quickly."

With no emotions on his face, he loosened him grip and walked straight out my room leaving me there speechless.

He's been acting different, maybe he's jealous me and Tank are kicking it off better?

A little tease should do it, get him hard and leave.

I walked into the bathroom,wasted no further time and washed up. I had already taken two showers yesterday so I decided that could wait for now.

I walked to the radiator where my clothes were hanging after being washed and slipped them on. They smelled different but clean however were wrinkly but I had no other choice so I decided that it had to do and walked out.

Both the men were sitting on the sofa waiting patiently, "good morning love." Tank's raspy voice greeted.

"Comeon lets go, no time to waste." Riot demanded and marched his way out and we tracked behind him all the way to his car.

"Y/N, your sitting at the front by me," Riot ordered and sat down in the drivers seat. "Why can't she just sit behind with me?" The other man pleaded.

" No." with no further word spoken, Tank opened the door for me and closed it after I sat down and walked back to open his door and sit at the back.

"Strap on." The man next to me said and started the engine.

It's time for some fun babyboy.

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