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Being a werecat living in a pack of werewolves is hard. Yes, there is a clan that lives right next to the pack I reside in, and the kids attend the high school I attend but I just feel like I'm not getting enough contact with other werecats. I was adopted at the age of eleven, I have no idea what happened to my birthparents, and a big part of me would love to know what happened to them.

When I was adopted I gained a new mother, two dads, and a sister my age, a brother who's more mature than my own parents, and six other younger brothers and sisters. It's pretty easy to tell that I'm obviously adopted. I mean everyone either has my mother's and Dad's (Dalton) dark brown hair or my Papa's (Adrian) blonde hair. I stood out with my long black hair, and dark blue eyes, but even though I wasn't biologically related to anyone I was treated like any other family member.

I've always been the quietest in the family, my adoptive sister Angela and I are complete opposites of each other. It's like her body is running on caffeine 24/7. I do struggle to deal with her, she annoys me often, what's even worst is that she knows she's pissing me off. I struggle to deal with her, for a while we shared a room but I about lost it, so now I'm the only kid who has their own room and doesn't share with anyone. There are many traits that Angela possess that I sometimes wish I had. She always seemed to have a positive outlook on almost everything, I on the other hand don't enjoy getting my hopes up. I wish I could be just a little bit more optimistic on life. Maybe then life would be a little easier for me.





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