Chapter 13: Reenact

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I look at her funny.

'The hell does she mean she's not suppose to be in my fucking head'

She still looks at me puzzled which I respond to by getting up and leaving to my room. I don't really know about any of their powers. I just know that they're hero's whom almost everyone seems to love.

~Time Skip~

I don't know why they invited me to dinner. It's not like we're family. Everyone was there laughing and talking amongst themselves. I was just picking at my food when someone asked:

"Y/N we having movie night tonight would you like to join," Steve asks. Everyone seeming to hold their breath awaiting my answer. I shrug and nod my head. Nothing else to do so.

When everyone is done we make our way to the living room. It feels as if they're just trying to break my barriers and just get the juicy details. It seemed as if some were forced to stay because even though it's low I can hear grumbling and curses coming from them. Everyone took a seat some on the floor others comfortable on the couches. I was just standing there till Natasha pushed Clint out of the seat next to her mumbling, 'i never get treated with respect round here' and patted it for me to sit. I sat down next to her as they put on a movie called 'The Maze Runner'.

As we continued to watch I got more into the movie. Gally was arguing over punishing Thomas but momma Newt protected her baby. The movie ended and we took a break before putting in the next one continuing the first. I went to take a bathroom break and sat back down. We were waiting on Steve and Tony to come back with the snacks. Once they did they started to pass them out.

When they reached me and Nat, I started to feel threatened and memories started flashing as they towered over us. They caught sight of my quickened breathing and asked what's wrong but I couldn't hear them. It was that of when Steve took a step towards me that I completely went blinded. I abruptly stood up taking them by surprise when I growled and pushed them. My claws and teeth come out as I hug Nat. Everyone being alarmed already ready to strike me down if I turn feral. Nat was also thinking that but was surprised as they all were when I started screaming.

"DON'T COME NEAR HER I WON'T LET YOU HURT HER," I growled and snarled at them as I held Natasha protectively. Everything seemed a blur to me.

~Avengers POV~

Everyone seemed as if they had no clue of what to do. You wouldn't let anyone get close and made sure they couldn't get to Nat. Tony suggested tranquilizing you but the idea was immediately dismissed. When they tried to move forward even while you were growling and snarling. When they got too close you changed into your wolf and almost bit Thor's head off. You were circling Nat making sure no one could get in. This all went on til 3 in the morning when Nat reassured everyone she was fine and told them to leave. As everyone was filing out, you kept whispering, 'No one can hurt us no one will hurt us I'll protect you I'm sorry'. It was weird to see someone so young act this way.

While they left you finally eased up and sat down letting Nat use you as a pillow. You closed your eyes as Nat patted you softly. She too soon ended up falling asleep while your tail wrapped around her.

~The Next Morning~

Everyone was already awake still trying to solve the situation from the night before. When one of them tried to approach you'd let out a low warning growl. You were still in a haze.

It took a while but Nat finally woke up. They explained to her what they has been trying and how they were failing. After about 10 minutes of brainstorming they Nat tried something.

She told one of them to walk towards them. Which of course had some resistance. She growled at Bruce who was unlucky enough to be chosen. When she did Nat started to sooth her saying things like 'it's okay' and 'I'm fine they can't hurt me'. Slowly you were starting to go back to your human form. You were unconscious so Steve carried you to your room so you could rest.


Everything is dark and confusing. I can't see anything. I'm in a void of nothingness. It doesn't feel suffocating though. Its more like I'm at peace right now like the darkness is tranquilizing my body. I haven't felt this way is so long. It feels weird after being so numb for so long. I wonder if I can keep this feeling.

I don't want to be numb anymore.

Where's my happiness?

~Time Skip~

I can feel myself coming back to the conscious world. I want to open my eyes but they feel so heavy. I can't feel the peace anymore. I feel on edge even though I just woke up. I try to pry my eyes open and thankfully this time I succeed in my task.

I'm in my room which I already knew. I knew as soon as I woke because of the scent. I remember everything that happened the night before and I'm really not up for answering what ever questions they might have.

I look at the clock and it reads 9 o'clock am. It's not that early but I still feel like my body could drop any minute. I can't believe I lost control like that. I don't want to see pity on anyone's eyes. I don't wanna hear any fake sympathy bullshit. I just want to be left alone. Even if I wander forever looking for my home because nothing's gonna be the same.

I prepare for the bothersome day. It may wear me out more then the reenactment.

A Broken Wolf (Avengers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now