Fire Has No Mercy

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Jon Targeryan
Jon ,Daenerys and Arya enter the throne room. Edmurd Tully is in the middle of the room talking with Sansa. Jon looks at them and noticed that they're afraid. Edmurd looks at him with disgust eyes just like everyone else. Jon and Daenerys sit in their thrones holding hands. "Edmurd Tully" Jon said with loud and serious voice. Edmurd looks at him and Sansa moves away from him while Arya is close to the stairs which leads to the thrones. "Your grace is my honor to be here" Jon chuckle knowing this was the stupidest lie ever.

"Edmurd you're called here as the lord of RiverLands ,me and my queen has claimed the iron throne and every lord of every big house will bend the knee or you take option B" Jon said and then looks at Sansa who was looking at him. "Yes your Grace I accept you as King and Queen of the seven Kingdoms " he said and bend the knee. Jon looks at Sansa and see her smile. He understands she must have told him to bend the knee. "Lord Edmurd do you have any news about Robin Arryn" Daenerys asked with cold voice. Edmurd avoid her eyes and instead looks at the stairs . "No my queen he .... he .....hasn't left his home" Edmurd barely said because he knows what happens to those who don't come. "What about Samwell Turly?" Jon asked . Edmurd turns his head to him "yes he's coming he should be here tomorrow your grace" he said with hope in his voice. "Robin Arryn has betrayed the crown by not coming here" Jon said furious. He knew very well that Sansa and The North looks at him as a weakness that can be used against Daenerys. They think I won't let her do bad things to The North because it was where I was raised. They will know right now that Jon can be as ruthless as Daenerys even more.

"Your grace is it a smart idea to move your army to The Vale just to take The Vale because he disobeyed an order" Sansa said looking at Jon with a small smile. He can't help but makes a small smile "Who said anything about the armies?" Jon said with serious voice and Sansa and Edmurd understood what he meant . Sansa looks shocked and take step closer "Jon ,Robin is a little kid " Sansa said almost like begging. "Robin is old enough to know that he should not disobey orders or maybe he thinks he can do everything because he's a lord".

"Your grace this is madness " Edmurd yelling.
Daenerys raise her hand "Edmurd , you're a lord you know very well disobeying an order is punished with death and this is last tims you yell at us or death will be mercy " Daenerys said showing no emotion in her voice and determined tone. Edmurd looks at Sansa , she told him that Jon would never let Daenerys do anything against the north. Sansa looks at Jon , she's full of despair "Jon , don't forget your home is The North, you were raised there" Sansa said almost bursting to tears.

"Sansa you better understand that my home is wherever my love is, The North was my home that's true but you betrayed me , you still think of me that I can't do anything against you because we were raised together " Jon said with angry voice. "Edmurd Tully you will stay here until tomorrow for the trial of Tyrion Lannister and then you can safely go back to your home" Daenerys said . Edmurd can't look at her instead he just nods . Daenerys turns to Jon "shall we go my love" Daenerys said with a big smile "of course my love" Jon said and kiss her . He and Daenerys gets up and walks out the room.
Arya follows them "what should I do?" Arya asks them. "Spy Arianna Martell that's your only job for now" Daenerys said looking at her as they were walking in the corridor. Arya nods and leaves them .

Dany looks at Jon with pride "Jon I love you" he smiles and stops her , "I love you too my Dany " he said , his hand on her cheek and kiss her. Dany put her hand on his neck to make him get closer but Jon stops "we have a job to do first " he said and she smiles and licks his lips "you better remember after we come back".

Arya Stark
Sansa and Edmurd are stupid. Sansa still think that Jon will never harm The North. Daenerys told me to spy that Dorne bitch and I have a feeling she might be the biggest problem for Jon and Daenerys, she was walking around the rooms trying to see where Arianna was but then Arya sees Arianna with someone near the kitchen , she knows very well how to hide , she gets closer to them but doesn't recognize who the man is . She gets close enough to hear what they're saying. "My sister will come soon until then I should stay here to find out more about The Targeryans and if we can actually make them hate each other " Arianna said .

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