Chapter 16

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Biana's POV

When Biana and Fitz arrived at the Tribunal Hall, the rest of Team Valiant was waiting for them at the gates.

"H-hey, guys!" Dex stuttered, obviously trying very hard to sound casual.

"Hey!" Fitz said, plastering a fake smile on his face. Sophie cautiously proceeded with the conversation.

"S-so, um, are you?" She asked, sounding just like Dex. Fitz spoke up before Biana could.

"We're fine. Our mom baked mallowmelt for us for breakfast, and...and...well, there's not much more good stuff going on today," He said with a sad smile. Biana saw his eyes well up, and he tried to blink the tears away. It didn't work, and they came streaming down his cheeks.

"Are-are you okay?" Sophie asked.

"N-no," Fitz answered honestly. Sophie wrapped him in a big hug. Biana felt her eyes stinging, but she wouldn't-couldn't-cry about Alvar. Not in front of her friends. Dex averted his gaze to her.

"What about you? Are you okay?" He asked.

"Me?" Biana asked.

"No, I was talking to Stina," Dex said sarcastically, his cheeks reddening when he realized how rude it sounded. Biana just giggled. She thought it was funny.

"Honestly? I...I'm scared," She said, her eyes disobeying her command and welling up.

"Of what?" Dex asked, pulling her by the arm to the side. Biana looked him right in his periwinkle eyes, the ones that used to look at her like the most precious thing in the world, the ones that now looked at her like a sister, the ones that-admittedly-Biana used to adore. Biana was glad that they never ACTUALLY dated, because if they had, then Biana wouldn't have Tam.

"I'm scared of..." Biana took a deep breath. "Of Alvar being...Exiled." The last part came out as a whisper.

"Oh," Dex whispered. He pulled her into a big hug. They stood there for a while, hugging, Biana crying into his shoulder. If Alvar wasn't going to be a good big brother, Dex came pretty close to replacing him. "I'm sorry," He said, finally pulling away.

"Thanks," Biana mumbled. Suddenly, the gates swung open, revealing the Council in matching silver attire: The guys in silver suits, and the girls in silver ballgowns.

"Well, it would seem that we have a visitor," Councillor Emery said, gaze asserted at Fitz.

"I came to help Biana," Fitz said coldly, protectively slinging an arm around Biana's shoulder.

"No worries, we understand," Councillor Oralie said softly, earning her a glare and a few not-so-nice words from Sophie. Councillor Terik noticed the tension and cleared his throat.

"Well, we should be getting right on with the briefing, then, shall we?" He asked. They silently agreed and followed him into the Tribunal Hall. Fitz grabbed Biana's hand, before giving it a reassuring squeeze. Councillor Emery guided them on what would happen, what to do, when to do it, when to talk, when not to talk, where to sit, and a whole list of things that Biana quickly mentally noted. After the briefing was over, the Council sent Team Valiant and Fitz back outside to open up the gates. They walked there in silence, besides a few whispers between Sophie and Dex every now and then. Finally, they reached the gates. They typed in the code, and the gates swung open. When the gates opened, there stood Della, Alden, Linh, Tam, and a few distant relatives of the Vackers. Tam didn't notice Biana, so she walked over to where her parents and distant relatives were talking. She recognized them as her great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents.

"Hello!" Biana said formally, knowing that her relatives were all very proper. Her grandfather gave her a big hug. He used to visit them a lot, and Biana really liked him. He was her favourite of all her relatives. He was NOT snobby, unlike his wife.

"Oh, goodness, dear! What happened to your chest?" Her grandmother asked with phoney concern. Biana paled. She hadn't covered the scars on her chest.

"I-well, um-" Della's sharp voice cut her off.

"She had an accident with mirrors, trying to save your sorry butt from the Neverseen. She almost died. Would you do that for someone?" Della asked coldly. Biana was grateful her mom had her back. Biana's grandmother looked taken aback, and her grandfather looked as if he was trying to suppress a laugh.

"I-I-I'm sorry," She stammered. "I heard you're a Regent now, congratulations!" She said, changing the subject.

"Yes, I am, in fact. I am very honoured to hold such a noble position in our great Elvin society," Biana said, EXTRA formally, hoping it would annoy her snobby grandma. Della rolled her eyes but still smiled. Alden smirked. So did her grandfather. Her grandmother seemed unaffected.

"Biana!" She heard a voice call behind her. She turned around to see Tam, who had finally noticed her. Biana turned back to her family.

"Sorry, is calling me," Biana said, with her grandfather sending her a wink. "Bye, love you!" She walked towards Tam. His jaw dropped open when he looked at her.

"I-um...hey, Biana! You" He trailed off. He seemed to be gazing intently into her eyes. Everyone started filing inside the Tribunal Hall, but they stayed right there.

"Thank you," She said, beaming. At least someone thought she was beautiful, if not her grandmother. He snapped out of his daze, shaking his head. His bangs fell into his eyes, and Biana fell for him all over again. He was so cute. And sweet. He pulled her into a big, long hug. Biana didn't even realize that she'd started crying. ALL over again. Thank GOD for waterproof makeup. He lett her soak his nice black suit with tears, and she was so happy to have him. He kissed her forehead, then grabbed her hand and led her inside. Biana and the rest of Team Valiant took their seats on the platform right under the Council's, facing the crowd. She spotted Fitz, and he gave her a reassuring smile when their eyes met. Each member of Team Valiant had their own coloured jewel throne. Stina's was baby pink, Sophie's was dark red, Dex's was green, Wylie's was rainbow, and Biana's was violet. Biana realized they were the same colour as their spotlights in the Seat of Eminence, and they matched their abilities. Biana's realization came to an end when Councillor Emery's booming voice filled the room.

"Today we are gathered to witness the Tribunals for Luzia Vacker, Vespera (idk her last name), and Alvar Vacker. Bring in the accused!" He shouted, right before the doors opened. Biana wanted to scream, run, cry, throw up, and well, you get the idea. Why?

Because there, in metal bonds, looking tired and afraid, stood Luzia, Vespera, and him.


Written by brooklynivey07 ----------------

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