Chapter 18

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Biana's POV

"The matter of Vespera and Alvar has already been decided. Vespera and Alvar will be exiled, and this was unanimous." Biana...she didn't know how to feel. Vespera...well, she deserved it, but Alvar? Biana's brother? A Vacker? In Exile? That was unheard of! Why was Luzia getting let off the hook but not Alvar? Why...So many questions clouded Biana's brain, just like the tears clouded in her eyes.

"Tribunal dismissed," She heard Councillor Emery announce, as everyone started filing out of the building and leaping home. Biana just sat there, dumbfounded, watching as Alvar and Vespera were being hauled off by goblins.

"Wait!" She heard a voice call. It took her a second to realize it was hers. Everyone who was left in the room which was the Council, Team Valiant, Della, Alden, Linh, Tam, Keefe, and Fitz (Not including their bodyguards)-turned to look at her. "Please...Can I...Can I talk to him?" Biana asked, her voice breaking. The goblin holding Alvar grunted. "Please?" Biana pleaded. She saw Sophie give Councillor Oralie a pointed look before the beautiful blonde Councillor nodded subtly at the goblin. The goblin shoved Alvar (who looked scared) forwards, and Biana walked towards him. The whole room fell silent and watched the scene playing out in front of them.

"Bi?" Alvar asked. "I'm so sorry, I-" He was interrupted by a loud, hard smack that hit his left cheek. Vespera snorted. Biana glared at her before directing her attention back at Alvar.

"THERE IS NO SORRY! THERE IS NO 'OOPS, I JOINED THE NEVERSEEN, RUINED MY FAMILY'S REPUTATION, AND STABBED MY LITTLE SISTER, IT WAS ALL A MISTAKE THOUGH, SORRY!' NO!" Biana screamed. Her vision was going blurry, and the world was spinning. She couldn't think straight anymore.

"You think I wanted to stab you? Of course not! Vespera told me that if I didn't do it, she'd kidnap you and let Fintan torture you with Everblaze! That's why I got your thigh because I knew that you'd survive that! You can't survive Everblaze!" Alvar countered. Vespera growled something about snitches. Fitz clenched his fists, but his eyes were full of tears.

"Alvar, I...I hate you, but I love you. You're my brother, but you're a traitor. I didn't want it to come to this, but I..." Biana couldn't form any more words. She broke down. She felt a pair of skinny arms wrap around her. Sophie?



Biana was too tired and stressed to fight him, and she knew that that might be-no, would be-the last embrace she'd ever get from her brother. She wished she had a photographic memory to capture the moment, but alas, she didn't, so she did her best to savour the few seconds she had left with him. The brother that she had once looked up to. The brother that helped her master her ability of vanishing. The only person who understood how she felt, always being in Fitz's shadow, never enough to satisfy people, just a pretty face, a stupid, useless vanisher in a family full of powerful telepaths and flashers. It was then that the reality hit her-she could relate to Alvar in a lot of ways. And that both saddened her and terrified her. All too soon, their embrace ended, and Alvar and Vespera were being dragged away.

"Bye, Mom and Dad. I...I love you, Bi," He called over his shoulder, eyes full of tears, as he was being leaped away to Exile. Biana's emotions took over. She cried and cried and cried-ugly cried, by the way until she was coughing and her nose was running with snot and everyone left. She sat there, all alone, in the Tribunal Hall, crying and feeling sorry for herself. After about an hour, she heard quiet footsteps behind her. She didn't look up to see who it was. She didn't care. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered anymore. Her whole world was falling apart. She felt a strong pair of arms wrap around her, and she expected it to be Fitz. When she looked up, though, she saw Tam. But she didn't want to talk. Not even to Tam. Only Fitz would understand her.

"Bi, I'll always be here for you. I'm so sorry-" Biana cut him off. She didn't have time for some cheesy romantic pep talk. She pushed him off of her and stood up.

"No. You can't make it better this time. You can't fix it. You can't buy me flowers and give me a kiss and patch it up. You wouldn't understand. You never will. I don't wanna talk right now." And with that, she was off. She ran out the doors of the Tribunal Hall and held her home crystal up to the sunset.

"Bi, wait, we don't have to talk about it, we can just-" Biana didn't hear the rest of what Tam was going to say, not that she cared anyway. Nothing he could say or do would fix this. She let the light whisk her away.

When Biana got home, her family bombarded her with questions, but Biana ignored them. She ran straight to her room, slammed the door, and locked it. She screamed and cried into her pillow, but she didn't feel better. She cried and cried and cried. There were several knocks on her door. She ignored them. Biana cried until she fell into a dreamless sleep.

Written by brooklynivey07 -----------------

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