-First Day-

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-Clay's POV-

I woke up to Nick laughing. Why was he laughing? Then I remembered. I slept with George last night! I realized George was still asleep hugging me.

Nick - "Oh my fucking god this is hilarious."
Clay - "Get out!"
George - "What's going on?"

George had a tired voice but once he realized what was going on he literally pushed me out of the bed onto the ground. Nick continued to laugh.

Clay - "You hugged me last night and I didn't want to wake you up."
Nick - "Fuck, I should've gotten my phone."
Clay - "It's a good thing you didn't get it Nick or you'd have a bloody nose by now."
Nick - "Yeah, right. Come on let's get some breakfast."

I walked out into the small kitchen still wearing the same clothes as yesterday. 

Clay - "What are we having for breakfast?"
George - "I don't know. Where's Darryl?"
Nick - "About him. He woke up in the middle of the night and woke me up from his pacing around the living room. I have no clue how much sleep he got but I don't think it was much."
George - "We should let him sleep for a bit longer then. Do you know why he was walking around?"
Nick - "He didn't tell me but I think it must have been some sort of nightmare. He said sorry to me then he went back to bed."
Clay - "I'm gonna go check on him."
George - "Alright."

I walked over to Darryl's room slowly opening the door. He was laying on the ground with his phone in front of him. I wonder what happened. I know I shouldn't wake him up but I'll at least get him to move onto his bed.

I bent down next to him and shook him.

Clay - "Darryl you gotta get in bed."
Darryl - "What?..."
Clay - "You're on the ground."
Darryl - "So?...
Clay - "It looks uncomfortable go get in bed."
Darryl - "Ok..."

Darryl stood up and barely managed to get in bed but before I could say anything he was asleep again. At least he's not on the floor anymore. I left his room closing the door behind me.

George - "So?"
Clay - "He was sleeping on the ground so I got him to move to his bed."
George - "Do you know why?"
Nick - "I think I do."

I watched as Nick pulled out beer cans from the garbage. We placed them on the ground counting them. In total there were 12. How did he manage to even get those through the airport? Or onto the boat? I didn't think he'd drink here. Maybe he's just stressed about being around so many people. We should see if he has any more of these so we can make sure he can't get to them.

Clay - "Oh my god."
George - "How did he even get those through the airport?"
Clay - "I'm as confused as you. Let's just look for more and take them before he gets to them first."
George - "Yeah."

We searched around for about ten minutes before Nick called us over.

Nick - "He's a smart guy I gotta tell you."
George - "Where were they?"
Nick - "In a metal suitcase. Check it out."

Nick showed us the inside of the large suitcase. I wonder why he said it was smart. Does the metal block out the rays. 

Inside the suitcase was about 12 more beer cans and wine.

Clay - "What are we gonna tell him?"
Nick - "We never knew anything about this, ok?"
Clay - "Alright, where are we gonna hide it?"
Nick - "I'll hide it under your bed. It seems like a reasonable spot."
George - "Do you think he'll be sick later today?"
Nick - "Probably."
Clay - "I'm not gonna be the one cleaning up his puke."
George - "Same."
Nick - "Fine."

We headed back over to the kitchen and began making pancakes.

~Pancake Time Skip~

I finished the pancakes pushing the plate further back onto the table. They tasted surprisingly good. I didn't think any of us could cook that well. I walked over to the bedroom and took some clothes from my suitcase. I then stretched out and headed over to the bathroom so I could have a shower. When I stepped outside to walk into the bathroom I heard George and Nick talking about something so I decided to tune in.

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