-Hide and Seek-

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-George's POV-

It's been a few hours and nobody has shown up. I was hiding behind a few crates on the deck of the boat, in the rain, at night. It was dark other then the few lights farther away from where I was hiding.

I heard the waves and listened to them carefully. All I had to do was wait.

A few times I've heard footsteps approach but then leave. Clay was still alive. I stabbed him in the arm and that gave me enough time to escape. I've been hiding since and I have heard his footsteps near me but I was careful not to make a sound.

I felt a shiver go down my spine as I heard footsteps approach again.

Clay - "Oh George. Come out, come out wherever you are."

It felt like he knew I was there but he just wanted to scare me even more than I already was. This time the footsteps didn't leave. I peeked around the crates I hide behind and there he was. Looking at the sea. 

From where I was looking at him he couldn't see me unless he turned around. The spot I was in was pretty obvious but still.

Clay - "I can't believe he's escaped... I know I know but I just h- JUST HOPE?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN JUST HOPE?! WE ARE GOING TO KILL HIM AND THAT'S THAT. NOW GET A MOVE ON."

Oh my god. Clay's gone so insane he's yelling at himself. I wanted to cry so badly but not now. Not until I get off this ship. 

Memories flooded my head of all the good times we had together. All the challenges we completed and all the times we had arguments but made up later. Clay began to turn around so I made it so I wasn't visible. I heard footsteps pass me as they soon became silent.

I wish everything could have been normal. I wish nobody had to die. I wish this was just a normal trip were we had fun but of course life had other decisions. 

Maybe I should change positions just in case he comes back h-

I got cut off as I felt the boat sway far to one side. I might die to this storm before I die to Clay. I heard a small explosion then I watched as the lights on the boat went out.

Great, just great. It was pitch black with zero lighting AND there was a murderer trying to kill me. I shivered as I felt a gust of wind on my face. I was scared and shivering. The trip was so amazing before all this happened. 

My hopes were very far down until I saw a very small light in the distance, could that be it? Could that be the ship that is coming to save me? My hopes grew high and I was excited until I thought about what was going to happen to Clay... Would he be thrown in prison? Get a death sentence? Did I really want him to get caught? He's been my friend for so long... No... He isn't my friend, not anymore. My friend is gone, my friends are gone. The worst part is there is nothing I can do about it.

I leaned back against the crates, I soon realized that was a mistake because a few fell over making a MASSIVE amount of sound. I panicked, what do I do?! I needed to move. I stood up and I had two ways to go. I could go right which led further down the deck to the cafe or I could go left and not know what was there. I decided to right even though that's the way Clay left. I thought I was being smart since that was the last place he'd been and made his way over to the other side of the ship. 

In the dark I could see him. I saw his shadow. He just stood there. My heart raced. I watched as he came towards me, I was going to make a run for it but he just walked right past me towards the crates. I stood still until he was a few meters away and continued to walk around a nearby corner. I guess the mask he was wearing made his vision worse. I wonder why he was wearing that anyways. One thing is for sure is that mask creeped me out. I looked around for a place to hide, I then saw an entrance to bathrooms. 

My heart raced opening the door expecting it to squeak but thankfully it didn't. In that bathroom I was basically blind. I couldn't see anything, that could be a good thing. I hid next to the door so when it opened and if Clay walked in I could walk right passed him.

~Time Pass~

I'm not sure how long I've been in this stall for it's felt like hours. My head ached, I was tired, At this point I just wanted to lay down and die. Everything was so awful. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse I heard footsteps approach the bathroom door. 

I watched as it opened. Clay stepped inside but before I could make a move he looked at me. 

He sees me.

He jumped on top of me.


I struggled to get away. The bathroom door shut as it became pitch black.

I moved my head just in time and half the knife dug into the edge of my shoulder. I yelped in pain and kicked him off. I crawled not knowing where I was going. His knife was still stuck in my shoulder. It was the worst pain I've ever felt.

Now it was just me, and Clay in a pitch black room with no light, no sound, just us. 

I needed something to protect myself with. I had no other choice but to pull the knife out of my shoulder. Thankfully when he stabbed it there was no connection with the blade and a bone because If there was I don't think I'd be able to move my fingers.

1... 2... 3... 

I pulled the knife out and felt a warm liquid dribble down my arm. I was scared and afraid. I stood up and walked in a random direction not knowing where I was headed. I made it to a wall and felt around. The Door!

I held onto the door handle as I quickly opened it then slammed it shut. I ran as fast as I could with a knife in my hand. I heard the door open again and then I heard footsteps following behind. I turned a corner and meeting face to face with the end of the deck, cornered. I had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. I needed to face my fears and fight.

I turned around being faced with Clay. I couldn't see his face but I could see his shadow. I held out my knife in front of me.

George - "Good Luck."

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