-Who Killed Him?!-

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-Darryls POV-

I had quiet music playing in the background as I played minecraft with Skeppy. I didn't tell him about the murders in the boat I was on. It was just us with no other cares in the world.

I was playing on an old laptop I brought with me so it was a little bit laggy.

Darryl - "So, Zak. What was that idea you wanted to tell me about again?"
Zak - "I was thinking we could make a minecraft challenge where we made a huge maze BUUUUUUUUUT Instead of us killing them mobs could."
Darryl - "That's not a bad idea."
Zak - "I know right!"
George - "Darryl, can you get off soon? We need to talk about the 'Problem'."

I told George not to tell Zak about the murders. Something terrible must have popped up. I began to end gaming with my friend.

Zak - "Who was that?"
Darryl - "Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you I was on a boat trip."
Zak - "Who are you with?"
Darryl - "The Dream Team."
Zak - "In person? I didn't think you had it in you."
Darryl - "I was a bit scared at first but I got used to it."
Zak - "Good thing you're not on the boat that's on the news or else you'd be crying right now."

I heard Zak laughing.

Darryl - "What do you mean?"
Zak - "There is a boat off the shore of america. It's lost at sea and when they sent in a rescue boat it sunk. There is also a killer on the ship."

The rescue boat sunk!? Oh my goodness what am I supposed to do?!

Zak - "You ok? I can hear you breathing."

I tried  to stay calm.

Darryl - "I hope everybody on that boat will be ok."
Zak - "So do I."
Darryl - "Look, Zak. I need to talk to George, I'll talk to you later ok?"
Zak - "Ok, Bye."

I hung up and closed minecraft. I stood up walking out of my bedroom and into the living room.

George and Clay sat on the couch while Nick leaned on a nearby wall.

Nick - "So Darryl, George. Me and Clay have agreed on something. In a few minutes we will both go out and look for the security room while you both stay here.
George - "Are you crazy?! The killer could be anywhere!"
Clay - "I'm really sorry George but I don't think the police will be here anytime soon so we have gotta do this. I promise we'll be back!"
George - "I'll go instead!"
Nick - "Are you sure George?"
Clay - "You don't have to do this!"
George - "I promise I'll be back!"
Clay - "Promise?'
George - "Promise."

I watched as the two kissed. I wish somebody loved me that much. Sure my fans think I'm sweet and all but nobody really understands me. 

I watched as George and Nick left the room with Clay locking the door behind them.

Clay walked over to me.

Clay - "Hey, Darryl. Can I show you something?"
Darryl - "Ok?"

Clay grabbed my hand and led me out to the balcony.

Clay - "Isn't it beautiful?"
Darryl - "I guess so."
Clay - "It's almost as beautiful as you."

Did I hear that right? Is Clay trying to cheat on George with me?

Darryl - "Umm..."
Clay - "Don't worry sweetie, he won't know we ever did this."
Darryl - "Please stop, you're making me feel uncomfortable..."
Clay - "It's ok! How about this. See that chair?"
Darryl - "Yeah?"

I looked at the chair that was on the balcony.

Clay - "Go stand on it so we can look at the view better!"

Clay was acting really weird. But I listened to him anyways. When George gets back I'll tell him about Clay. He was scaring me a bit but I think he is just confused.

Clay - "See? Look how beautiful it is."

I looked off into the distance, it did look nice.

I turned back around met with Clay holding a knife in his hand smiling.

Darryl - "Clay what are you doing?!"
Clay - "You guys really thought Jordan killed all those people?"
Darryl - "W-wait! N-no no no n-no!"

Was Clay the killer?! Was he going to kill me?!

Clay - "You're all so blind..."
Darryl - "Y-you killed all those people?!"
Clay - "It was easy actually... First you kill off the security then the civilians are weak, except for this one guy who made it harder but he still didn't make it."

Clay played with the knife in his hands still smiling at me. I felt... Frozen. Clay stepped closer to me still smiling.

Maybe I deserve to die... If he didn't save me... I would be the killer...

I began to cry.

Clay - "Awwww, is Darryl crying? Oh how sad. Don't worry Darryl, I can end your suffering. It will be quick and painless....... I'm kidding! It will be long and painful. George ruined my plans, I was going to spare you a little bit longer but he got in the way of me killing Nick. Oh well, you will have to do for now."
Darryl - "The police will get you eventually!"
Clay - "With the amount of power I have? No thanks... That reminds me, when I'm done with you I should put on the mask Nick gave me. Good thing he did, it only made things easier."
Darryl - "YOU'RE NOT CLAY!"
Clay - "Oh yes I am. You know what. Call me Dream... That's funny. You should really be calling me Nightmare because I'll be the only thing you'll remember after you die. I've been talking too much, let's get started!"

He slit my leg open with the knife almost making me fall off the balcony. I yelled from the pain. I glanced down at the blood gushing out of my leg. I felt my body tremble while he kept cutting my legs.

I was already crying but in that moment he stabbed the knife right through my right leg. I yelled at the top of my lungs. I almost fell off the balcony but I saved myself. I wanted to punch Clay so badly but I couldn't. He pulled the knife out of my leg then gave me the knife and smiled.

Clay - "Come on Darryl, kill me."

He kept walking closer.

Darryl - "NO!"

Clay laughed as he eventually stood up on the same chair I was on. I was frozen. I couldn't hurt my friend. It felt like time stopped and then... He pushed me.

Time felt slow as I was falling into the sea. I was gonna die. I couldn't move my legs... 

I spoke my last words.


~Time Skip~

~George's POV~

Me and Nick found the security room but it was locked and the door was made of steel so we couldn't break it down, we needed to find the key.

George - "Can we go back and check up on the others?"
Nick - "Yeah, I think that's a good idea."

Our rooms were only a two minute walk away from where we were. 

I opened the door. I thought it was locked. I stepped inside and turned the lock and opened the door. It didn't work... That's how Jordan was able to get inside! The lock was broken!

Nick - "Clay, Darryl? Where are you?"

I began to worry. We walked around looking for them. Eventually I found Clay lying on the ground in hallway with his arm slit open.

George - "Clay! Are you ok!?"
Clay - "H-he, got D-Darryl..."
George - "W-what?!"
Nick - "What happened to him!?"
Clay - "He g-got stabbed."
George - "I-is he dead?"
Clay - "I... I don't kn-know."

I kneeled next to Clay in tears. I will find and kill this murderer if it's the last thing I do!


Wait until George finds out who the real killer is! Then he'll be the one in pain, mentally and physically.


Behind The Scene {Ft. Dream Team & BadBoyHalo}Where stories live. Discover now