-The End?-

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-George's POV-

Here I was, face to face with my best friend yet my worst enemy. I'm not sure he had a weapon until I heard the sound of blades rubbing together. How did he get those knives?! I thought I took his! 

Clay - "Do you want this to go the easy way? Or the hard way?"
George - "The hard way."

We ran towards each other only being able to see our shadows. He tried to stab me but I used my knife to block his attack. He tried to stab me with his other knife but I used my hand to hold onto his wrist so he couldn't. 

This was it. The final battle.

He kicked me in the stomach and that made me almost lose my balance. He then proceeded to attempt to stab me again but I dodged it. When he swung at me again I used my free hand to grab the blade of his knife. It cut my hand but I was able to pull it out of his grasps and then I managed to throw it into the abyss of a sea. Our knives clashed against each other. I never knew I was this good at fighting. He then grabbed my neck and so I grabbed his. We squeezed each others necks. My grip was strong but his was stronger. I began coughing and then I used my knife to slash the side of his leg open. I heard him stumble backwards as he let go from my neck. I gasped for air then went back into battle. I slashed at his face with my knife. He stopped moving. Did I kill him? Then I heard him laughing.

But how... Then I realized. His mask protected his face! 

We were just about to continue our fight when we heard a loud horn.

The rescue boat!

It became lighter as the boat approached. I saw him, I saw his face. Clay was smiling since I cut his mask right in half! He charged towards me again waving his knife around like a maniac. He pushed me onto the ground and then he put a foot on me. I pulled his leg knocking him over. Without thinking I stood up and tried to run but he only pulled me back down. He crawled on top of me pulling my knives out of my grasps then throwing it off the edge of the boat. He used two hands attempting to stab my neck but I used mine to hold his arm. My muscles began to weaken but I couldn't give up, not yet. I used my knees to push him off of me then I disarmed him. I tried throwing his knife off the side of the boat but It sat right there at the edge. I began to crawl towards it but Clay held on my leg pulling me back. I tried to kick him in the face then I felt something pierce my skin. 

He bit me!

I used my free foot to kick him off. I continued crawling towards the knife but he just pulled me back again. Then he crawled on top of me forcing me on my back. 

Clay used all his force and began punching me in the face. I managed to get a few hits in but nothing much compared to how many times he was punching me. The light got brighter, the boat was coming closer! The boat was heading towards us from the other side so nobody saw us fighting. I used all my strength to sit up then I jumped onto him and punched him in the face. He rolled over knocking me off. He then crawled towards the knife. I grabbed his leg then he began kicking my hand. It hurt but I couldn't let go. I pulled him backwards dragging him. I'm not sure what happened next but the next thing I knew he kicked me so hard I could barely breathe.

I layed there on the ground watching as he got closer to the knife. He picked it up then turned towards me and then he began walking, then stopped. We heard people yelling. We didn't know if they were on the other side of the boat or not but they were very close. 

Clay stood there for a minute not doing anything but then he began taking off his mask. I watched as he placed it down on the ground. He looked at me dropping the knife on the ground in front of him. He then used his foot to kick it towards me. What was he doing? Was he going to let me kill him? He began walking towards me and fell on his knees. He stopped smiling, he looked sad. I used this to my advantage and was barely able to stand up. I grabbed the knife. I walked over to him holding him down with all my strength.

George - "Why Clay? Why did you kill our friends?"
Clay - "Th-They deserved it."
George - "What did they do to deserve it?"
Clay - "They hated me. They always did."
George - "They never hated you! Do you not remember how many fans you have? How many FRIENDS you have?"
Clay - "I remember everything. They changed, we've changed. You've changed."
George - "You have changed Clay. It was all Dr. Jordans fault wasn't it?"
Clay - "He helped me. He made me stronger, faster, smarter."
George - "Wh-"
Clay - "Kill me George. Kill me right now."
George - "I can't..."
Clay - "Why? What changed? I minute ago you tried to murder me."

I heard more yelling.

George - "I just can't ok!?"
Clay - "Just fucking kill me!"

The yells got closer.

George - "Fine... Goodbye Dream."

I heard footsteps approach.

I tried to stab him in the head but he held me back. What was h-

Officer - "DROP THE WEAPON."

My whole body froze. Did he just...


I dropped the weapon. I watched as the police came closer. I got up and tried to run but then~


I fell to the ground. 

The bullet went right through my heart.

The last thing I saw was Clay's smile.


My eyes closed, never to be opened again.

~Time Skip~

-Clay's POV-

Officer - "So he managed to kill everybody?"
Clay - "Y-yes..."
Officer - "So he just went crazy?"
Clay - "I-I didn't know w-what got into h-him."
Officer - "I'm sorry for your loss... You may go."

I walked out of the interrogation room in tears.

This was all an act.

I ALWAYS get what I want.

I never lose.

I will always win.

I closed the door behind me leaving the police station getting in my car. I put on my mask that was sitting in the passenger's seat. I began to drive.

Should I stop what I've been doing and live a normal life since I got off the hook? Or should I continue my murderous ways and continue to be a winner.

I smiled to myself.

I'm coming for you Technoblade.

Behind The Scene {Ft. Dream Team & BadBoyHalo}Where stories live. Discover now