Chapter 2

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I want to thank my first three followers, you're making my first fanfic super exciting!

"Elwin he's awake!" Sophie shouted across the room hoping that Keefe could hold on long enough for Elwin to come.

"On it!" he shouted as he rushed over with a handful of vials. Keefe laid there moaning.

"It's okay Keefe, everything is going to be alright," Sophie whispered as she stroked his hair away from his forehead, silently begging that her words were true. She looked over to Elwin who was now shining a green light over Keefe's head. "He is going to be okay, right?" she asked him.

"I think so, but whatever Gisela did to him really messed his body up. He probably won't be able to do much the next few days, but hopefully this will speed the process up," he told Sophie as he poured a few elixirs down Keefe's throat. "I'm guessing you'll be staying with Keefe still, so every day he needs to take this blue one," he told Sophie, "and these two red and orange ones."

"Okay," Sophie said taking reality in. She had just read her own emotions using her enhancing. It was such a new and refreshing experience, and yet Sophie wondered if it had even been real. She had told Fitz that there was too much going on right now for her to be in a relationship with him, but now it felt that life would be too hard without Keefe in it, and she realized that she no longer held the same kind of feelings for Fitz. What would he think of her? She couldn't let herself think like this right now, Keefe needed her, and she was going to be there for him no matter what.

"Keefe do you need anything at all?" she asked. His eyes blinked a few times and his mouth moved, but all that came out was a hoarse whisper. Sophie realized that the damage to his brain made it hard for him to talk aloud. "Shhhh, don't talk, can I enter your mind, that way you can answer me easier?" He gave a faint nod and she dove in after turning her enhancing all the way off. "What do you need Keefe?" she asked him again.

He paused for a moment then answered, "Just you."

"I can do that," she told him, scooching her chair closer to his cot. The last thing she remembered was drifting off to sleep in her chair while holding his hand.

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