Chapter 7

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Hi to all of my readers! I know that yesterday I published a lot of chapters (6 to be exact!). This is because I had already started writing this fanfiction on a word document before I got Wattpad. This is the last chapter that I am pasting from my word document, so from now on it will be a chapter every day or so because these things take a while to write. My average chapter takes about an hour or even longer sometimes, and I'm pretty busy the rest of the week so I may not be doing an entire chapter a day. Just remember that I am still working on this book, and I will not be quitting anytime soon! Have a great day, hope you like this fun chapter!

"What!" Sophie exclaimed. "That's amazing, why didn't you tell me before?!"

"I was waiting for the right moment, yow still seemed pretty upset about the whole Fitz argument yesterday," Keefe explained.

"I'm speechless, there's almost no way we can lose this fight."

"Fingers crossed! Anyways, there's only four more days until I'm off bed rest and we can put this plan into action.

"You can even try to walk today if you want," Elwin said walking into the room with Keefe's daily doses of medicines "And don't worry, I didn't let Ro do anything to your elixirs"

"But I did learn some interesting things about them!" she exclaimed as she followed Elwin into the room. Sophie popped the lid off of his blue vial and handed it to Keefe so that he could drink it. "For example, that one contains Unicorn spit."

Keefe gagged as he swallowed the thick liquid. "You could've told me that before I chugged it!" he shouted.

"Do you wanna know what's in the other one's?" Ro asked. "The one you're holding has –"

Sophie cut her off, "Lets not  tell Keefe what's in these otherwise he'll never drink his elixirs," she suggested.

"Thanks Foster," he told her.

"Awww man! This was my one way of punishing him that wouldn't kill him, and I'm not allowed to do it. It's not fair!" Ro exclaimed unhappily.

"Don't worry, I'll find plenty of ways to punish him after we get rid of the Neverseen," Sophie told Ro.

"Hey! I thought you were on my side!" Keefe said.

"I am, that's why I wanted you to stay home so that you didn't get hurt, you didn't listen and now you're hurt, so you need some punishment," Sophie explained.

"Isn't being hurt enough punishment!?" He asked.

"No, because that wouldn't be any fun," Sophie grinned. She wasn't going to make this easy for Keefe after all of the worry he had given her. "I think it would be fair if Ro got another Dare, but I also get one."

"Fine, but you have to help me try to walk today," he told her.

"I was going to do that anyway, so deal." They shook on it.

"Anyways, before we try walking again, what do you want for lunch?" Sophie asked thinking about burgers and chicken even though elves were supposed to be vegetarian.

"I'll have those greenish brownish fruits please, I don't know why but they're my favorite," Keefe said.

"Mine too! She exclaimed, "They taste like pizza, which is one of my all-time favorite human foods."

Lunch was a difficult process because as much as Keefe could talk and drink liquids, chewing was a whole other story. His jaws were having a hard time so there was lots of mess, but after the two finished eating they got prepared to walk. Keefe was always covered by the blankets in the healing center, so Sophie hadn't realized the extent of his wardrobe. Like Sophie when she had gotten hurt and had to stay in the healing center, Keefe had had to borrow clothes from Elwin which were covered with little Golons. It was pretty funny to see, but Sophie didn't want to make him feel any worse than he already felt since he was still pretty embarrassed about the state of his hair at the moment.

"You ready? she asked.

"Yep, here we go," Keefe answered

He shakily got down from his cot and immediately collapsed on the ground. Sophie leaned down and helped him up, letting him balance on her shoulder.

"This is useless!" Keefe exclaimed, "I can't even stand."

"Hey, it's going to be okay. We just have to practice this everyday for the rest of the week and you'll be fine," Sophie reassured him.

Slowly they walked out into the hallway. Keefe was slowly getting better at walking, but she could tell that it was painful for him.

"You know what?" she asked, "Lets walk just to the secret food stash and get some butter blasts, then we can take a break and walk back."

"Okay, at least I can get into mischief that way," he said, flashing his trademark smirk.

When they got to the secret food stash there were piles of Butterblasts, Mallowmelt, and any other dessert you could think of. Sophie was on her third Butterblast when someone started to open the door. Was it a teacher Sophie thought as her heart skipped a beat. Were they about to get in trouble? Nope, it was Biana.

"Hey guys, Elwin said you might be here," she said.

"Hey Biana, what's up?" Keefe responded.

"Just thought I'd catch you up on Neverseen news. Dex figured out a gadget to turn their anti-scent tech off, so that Sandor and Ro can find them when they come. Also, Wylie and Tam are really close to figuring out how to turn their illusions off. They actually even got Luzia Vacker to help them."

"That's awesome news Biana!" Sophie exclaimed.

"Yeah, lets get ready to defeat the Neverseen once and for all!" Keefe cheered.

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