Chapter 14

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Keefe stared at the ground for a moment before asking, "What are we going to do about him?"

Sophie's mind swam with all of the things that had happened between her and Fitz. They weren't dating anymore, but Fitz was still pretty mad at her. It wasn't okay for him to act this way, but he had been going through a lot, she reasoned with herself. Alvar was his older brother that he had probably looked up to, he had ended up betraying Fitz though, and now he was more than likely dead. 

"I don't know," she answered. "He's been going through a lot, I think he just needs time to adjust."

"Probably," Keefe said. "But I don't want him to hurt you again Sophie, you saw how badly he treated you."

"Yes, but... I forgive him, he's still my friend, I want to make sure he doesn't get left out."

"Me too," Keefe told Sophie. He walked over and wrapped his arms around her giving her a warm hug.

Sophie hugged him back, "What if we made him some sort of treat, Mint Ripplefluffs are his favorite."

"That's a great idea," he told her, pulling away. "Do we need to get any ingredients?"

"No, Edaline keeps everything at Havenfield. Do you want to come over the day before Finals and make them with me?" Sophie asked blushing. She had basically just  asked Keefe on a mini date.

"Sure!" Keefe smiled and pulled his hand through his hair. "I just realized that we still need to get something for each other," he said, trying to lighten the mood. "How about the next store we go to we can both get something for the other and keep it secret until Finals."

Sophie laughed. Leave it up to Keefe to make things interesting. "That sounds fun," she said excitedly. 

They walked into a store with light purple walls reaching two stories high. Plant pots hung down from the roof and twinkling lights were strung across the building from window to window. A small silver door with a green tinted handle sat in front of them. Atlantis never ceased to amaze Sophie with it's beautiful architecture. 

They walked in and the girl working at the counter smiled at Sophie. She waved at her and looked at Keefe.

"Okay, ready set go!" he exclaimed and Sophie hustled to the other side of the store.

What in the world would Keefe like, she thought. All he ever did was daydream about his own hair and prank the other kids at school. She was still trying to piece together what the Great Gulon Incident was because nobody would ever tell her. What would I want if I was Keefe, she asked herself. Probably prank elixirs and she was not going to help him with any of that stuff. Maybe she could play a joke on him instead!

What would be funny? She scanned the walls. Toothbrushes, flower vases, hair products, wind chimes, umbrella's. Ugh, there was nothing in here that would be funny, unless... yes! It was a perfect idea! She could get Keefe color changing shampoo! She would have to put it into a different container though and make it seem like it was normal shampoo. 

She grabbed one of the shampoo bottles and looked over her shoulder at Keefe to make sure he wasn't looking. He was over near the candy aisle looking at different candies. Nearby Sophie spotted a pretty orange bag with a sunset on it. Edaline would probably like it, and it would hide the shampoo so Keefe couldn't accidentally see it in the store. She put the shampoo inside the bag and made her way to the second floor of the building.

While the downstairs was more of a general store, up here different trinkets lined the walls. On one side there was a wall of jewelry, glitter, and ribbons. Another wall was filled with scented candles and jars. The third wall had different art supplies and sports materials for P.E. at Foxfire.

Sophie headed down the aisle filled with candles and jars. The jar would be perfect for holding the shampoo. It also wouldn't look suspicious of any pranking. It would just look like Sophie was really trying hard to get him something nice. She found a simple jar with a little tag attached to it. Then Sophie walked over to where the ribbons were kept and chose a light blue diamond patterned one since he would be graduating from level six. Sophie realized that if he did well he would be moving to the elite levels next year, otherwise his education would be over. Sophie was two grade levels behind, but hopefully she would be able to see Keefe in the elite towers in between classes.

Sophie finished her shopping and checked out downstairs. Keefe was waiting for her outside with a smirk on his face.

"What's so funny?" she asked him.

"Nothing," he smiled, "It's just the best time I've had in a while."

"Me too," she said, and she meant it.

Keefe lifted the bags, "You ready to leave Foster?" he asked.

Sophie smiled and helped him carry the bags. "Am I ever?"

They laughed as the leaped into the bubble and floated back to the surface. Keefe light leaped Sophie home and they said their goodbyes.

"See you tomorrow during class Keefe!"

"You bet!" he exclaimed as he light leaped back to his house.

Sophie grinned from ear to ear as she walked inside. She couldn't wait until he came over next month to make Ripplefluffs.

Hi guys! That was a longer chapter! It took me about two hours to write, so sorry that it's a little later in the day. Hope everybody liked it! 

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