Chapter 11

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"Foster, wake up, everything's taken care of."

Sophie's eyes fluttered open to Keefe stroking the hair out of her face. He looked almost completely healthy which could only mean she was in the healing center with him... again.

"What happened?" she asked rubbing her head.

"You've been asleep for three days. I woke up two days ago and went with Alden to conjure all the dwarfs and Neverseen into Exile. Alden was able to read their minds which had become very weak in the void. He figured out where all the other rebels were hiding. Mr. Forkle and him went to all the bases and rounded up the rest of the rebels which have just been locked into Exile this morning."

"I've been asleep for three days?!" Sophie exclaimed.

"Hey, hey, it's ok. I think that the enhancing took a lot more out of you than my conjuring took out of me, so your body needed the rest. It also gave Elwin plenty of time to heal us both completely from the scrapes we got."

"Where's Sandor!" she thought, mentally scolding herself that she hadn't asked sooner.

Keefe's face fell slightly, "He's in the lab area where Elwin is currently working on him day and night. He doesn't know if Sandor will make it, but he's doing his best to help him. Luckily Bullhorn hasn't started screaming yet though, so I think that Sandor has a good chance of surviving."

Sophie hoped with all her heart that he was right about Sandor. Elwin was the best elf for the job and she believed that he could heal almost anyone. "Can we check on him?"

"I wish, but Elwin says no visitors until Sandor is fully healed."

"Speaking of which, you are fully healed Sophie, so leave anytime you like," Elwin said as he entered the room. Sophie hopped out of the cot and hugged him.

"Thank you so much Elwin these past few years for saving my life all the time, I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Awww, your welcome kiddo, it's my job to help you. Hopefully though I won't have to see you in here because you're hurt again."

"Me too," she answered back.

"Well, I need to go back and help Sandor, who I actually think is making a good recovery for what happened to him, but he probably won't be able to be out of here for the next two weeks," Elwin told Sophie.

"Bye," she and Keefe said as he walked into his lab. Sophie walked over and sat next to Keefe.

"Foster, are we officially official now?"

"Yes," she laughed giving him a little shove in the arm.

"Well then I'd like to take you on a date," he said as his cheeks flushed a rosy red.

Sophie's insides jumped for joy and a smile appeared on her face.

"Where are we going to go?" she asked him.

"I thought we could maybe do some gift shopping in Atlantis together," Keefe responded.

"That sounds really fun! I'm surprised you thought of it on your own," she said wrapping her arms around him.

"Me too to be honest," he laughed as he pulled Sophie in for a hug. "I thought we could maybe go tomorrow to give us time to get ready and everything.

"Yeah, that works great!" she smiled, squeezing his hand one last time, "See you tomorrow at Havenfield."

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