Chapter 15

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So... I know I didn't update these past two Wednesday, and I'm very sorry for that, I had a lot going on, but now I finally have a moment to rest and I have decided to update. Hooray!!! Also, I realized now that Midterms are in the middle of the Foxfire year, what I meant to say was Finals, I went back and edited those parts, but please kindly tell me if I have any more mistakes in my writing. (Funny side note: while writing this I had to pause and ask my friend Tessaherondale62 to blast me with Sokeefe because sadly there is no Keefe and Sophie moments in this chapter.) Anyways, thanks for reading my fanfic! Now you may continue reading the chapter:

It was Monday again and there was no more bad guys to take deal with, so Sophie had to go back to school. She definitely didn't want to, but at least she'd have an excuse to visit Sandor. Elwin had hailed Sophie yesterday and said that Sandor was awake and doing well enough for visitors as long as they were quiet.

"Sophie, are you ready?" Edaline called from downstairs. Sophie hurriedly ran down the stairs to her.

"Yeah, I'm ready," she said with a sigh. They walked to the Leapmaster and Sophie let the light carry her away to Foxfire.

Ugh, first she had Linguistics with Lady Cadence, a.k.a. her least favorite teacher. She began to make her way to the elite towers. Lady Cadence was also the silver tower beacon which meant that Sophie had a little extra time to get to class while Lady Cadence let people into the tower. 

Sophie slowly made her way up the stairs and into the class while Lady Cadence stayed back at the entrance to the building. As she sat down in her chair she prepared her mind for school again knowing that it was going to get tricky before Finals. Her mind wandered off to Keefe and what a great day they had had in Atlantis.

Lady Cadence entered the room and they began to work.

"Today we're going to work a bit more on your mimicking skills,"  she said. Sophie inwardly groaned. She absolutely stunk at mimicking, but Keefe was great at it.

"Lets try someone who you listen to a lot, maybe Fitz Vacker?" She began to go through their list of exercises using Fitz's crisp accent. Sophie's stomach turned as she thought about Fitz.

They had their next class together. What would they say to each other? Her mind was spinning in circles and she couldn't focus on anything.

"Sophie, can you try to mimic Fitz's voice?" Lady Cadence asked again.

"What? Oh, yeah," Sophie shook her head. "Hello, my name is Fitz," she tried to say. It ended up sounding more like a British Biana.

"Try again, but this time think about how the person would say it. Imagine like they're saying like if you were having a dream and you are just repeating your dream aloud."

Sophie tried hard to imagine Fitz in a nice happy way saying hello, but it wasn't working. All she could think about was how upset Fitz always got at her when she messed up. "I'm Fitz and I'm mean to everybody!" she imagined him saying. Or had she said it aloud. She peeked open one eye and saw Lady Cadence's face.

"Sophie, are you okay?" Lady Cadence asked her.

"No, It's just Fitz and I have been having some problems. He's always gets really mad at me for things I can't control."

Lady Cadence frowned. "I'm sorry about that Sophie, do you want to talk about it?" she asked.

Sophie almost laughed. Lady Cadence, being nice?! That was a first. "No, it's okay, I'm feeling a bit better now that I've told someone," she said without lying at all. Even though Sophie didn't like Lady Cadence it felt good to get something off her chest.

"Well, when if I were you I'd just have a conversation with him and tell him how you're feeling about it."

"Thanks," Sophie told her.

The rest of class was a bit awkward, but it went pretty well. At the end, Sophie was able to say hello while mimicking Biana's voice.

Sophie was feeling even more confident after having a lunch with Dex. When she got to Tiergan's room Fitz was already there sitting in his seat.

"Oh good, you're here," said Tiergan. "We have a lot to go through before Finals so we need to start quickly. Today we're working on some more trust exercises so that we can try to really get down to business on this cognate stuff.

Sophie looked over at Fitz who was looking down at his feet. Sophie plucked an eyelash and went to sit next to him. She noticed he wasn't wearing his cognate rings. Sophie hadn't wanted to, but she had at least put them on before class. It didn't matter though, she was going to talk to Fitz... about everything.

She put her hand on his shoulder, "Fitz I know-" he cut her off.

"Its fine, lets just do it," he said.

Sophie took a deep breath and reached for his hands and looked into his eyes. They began to transmit to each other. Sophie was about to say something when Fitz started talking.

"Sophie, I'm so sorry. I was thinking about what you said back in the Healing Center and you're right. I keep getting mad at you for things that aren't your fault, like how you wouldn't tell me if you figured out who your parents are, and when you said you couldn't sign up for the match, even when... when you said you liked Keefe. What I'm trying to say Sophie, is that you had every right to do what you wanted and all I did was get in the way and be a bad boyfriend. I'm really sorry, do you think you could forgive me?"

"Of course I forgive you Fitz!" Sophie smiled. "After all, we are best friends."

"And cognates." Fitz added laughing a bit.

Sophie squeezed his hands and he squeezed them back.

"You're not mad at me for liking Keefe?" she asked.

"Not anymore, you deserve a guy like Keefe, besides---I got my matchmaking scroll."

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