Chapter 12

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"You're going on a date with THAT BOY!" Grady shouted as Sophie told him and Edaline of her plans for the day.

"You only disapprove of him because he joined the Neverseen, which I agree was reckless, but he did it to try and get intel back to Mr. Forkle, and he always protected me," Sophie explained, wishing that she had only told Edaline. Now she might actually not be allowed to ever have a first date with anyone until she turned 100.

"It doesn't matter! He was willing to destroy Foxfire to try and fit his own agenda," Grady grumbled.

"Hey," Edaline put her hand on Grady's shoulder, "My parents also disapproved of you when we first met, if I had listened to them, then we probably wouldn't be together right now."

"Your parents only disapproved of me because I was a mesmer," he told Edaline.

"Just let Sophie have her chance, ok? Fitz already gave her a hard time about matchmaking, at least we know that Keefe doesn't care about that kind of stuff," she reasoned.

"That boy doesn't care about anything he does, he's a straight up traitor!"

"No he's not!" Sophie exclaimed, "Keefe is one of the kindest and funniest people I have ever met, he would even do anything to protect me because he cares about me!" She thought smiling on the inside that someone like that could actually care about her.

Grady sighed. "I'll let you go this time Sophie, but I want you to know that you don't need to do anything that he says, there are other boys to choose from."

"Okay Dad, thanks for letting me go with Keefe, I won't disappoint you," she said hoping that Grady wouldn't change his mind. She walked close to him and leaned in for a hug, "I love you dad."

Sophie could feel Grady's shoulders stiffen. They quickly relaxed and he told Sophie, "I love you too." She pulled away from Grady and turned around seeing Keefe walking up the hill towards her. 

He was wearing a dark blue jerkin with a dark gray cape running off his shoulders. Way nicer than the pink skirt and white ruffled shirt she had pulled on. Next date she was definitely going to need Biana's help with her outfit. All Vertina did for her was say that she had even less eyelashes than before. Sophie couldn't help it though, what with worrying about Sandor.

 "Hey Foster!" Keefe smiled, "you ready?"

"I'm as ready as I can get!" she laughed.

Don't worry, she's in good hands," he added waving his hands in the air as Grady glared at him.

Keefe pulled Sophie close and held the light leaping crystal he had brought with him to the sky.

"Time to head to Atlantis." he flashed another smile as the light wisked them away.

So so so so so sorry that I haven't updated in forever! I was really busy this past month, and I know this chapter probably wasn't quite what you wanted it to be. Again really sorry, I promise the next chapter will be about their date. I can hear all the fangirl squeals right now, including me. Yes, I get excited even about my own chapters. School will be starting soon, so I am going to try and update every Wednesday. But maybe I will do another one this week to make up for that long blank month. I hope you liked this chapter, and hopefully I will get to the next one soon. Bye! :D

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