Chapter 3

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It had been a whole week since Keefe had woken up, and he was now to the point where he could talk aloud and move his arms, but he still couldn't stand up yet. Ro had also decided to start staying at the healing center to watch over Keefe again after her long break because she said herself, "If he can talk, he can get into trouble, and I need to be there to see what will happen when Lord Hunky Hair gets antsy from being in a confined space for so long." Sophie had woken up to Ro squealing at her being asleep while holding Keefe's hand, which made her face bright red.

"Why'd you let me fall asleep! she had asked. "I was supposed to be watching you, not dozing off in my chair over here!" Sophie gestured to the chair she had basically lived in the past few weeks.

"But you looked so tired, besides, its not like I can even go anywhere! Plus, your hair does look super funny when you sleep." he had thought while Sophie read his mind. Keefe had absentmindedly started to think of all the weird things he wished he had done to Sophie while she slept, including the feather on the nose prank. He didn't do it though because he felt it would have been too mean. Sophie was glad he didn't pull all those pranks, but now she felt even more embarrassed. Sophie shook her head and brought her mind back to present day. She still needed to make it up to Keefe for sleeping on the job.

"So, Keefe I've been meaning to do this for a while now, but remember when I was in the healing center and you brought me all those prattle pins?" Sophie asked.

"Oh yeah! My favorite was good ol Krackie."

"Yeah, he really helped me then. Well, I brought you a box today." She handed the prattles candy box to Keefe, and he slowly opened it, searching for his pin hidden amongst all the nutty candy.

"Hey! I got a wolf! There's only like 40 of these!" Sophie was glad he liked it, but the pin reminded her of her job as leader of Team Valiant. She had totally forgotten to keep up with all the info and ask them what they were going to do about the Neverseen next."

"Hey! What's wrong Foster? I can sense your anxiety from here." Keefe asked fanning the air in front of him.

"Oh, I just remembered something about Team Valiant, that's all."

"C'mon Foster, you can tell me anything," and when Sophie looked into his clear, ice blue eyes, she really believed it.

"It's  just... I've been so worried about you lately, that I've forgotten about all of my other responsibilities. I saw Dex last week and didn't even think to ask him about any news for Team Valiant! I just guess I have no idea what I've been thinking. I thought breaking up with Fitz would make everything easier, but it's just as hard as before, other than being worried about what to say around him."

"Wait... you and Fitz broke up?" he questioned Sophie.

"Yeah, why else do you think I would say... say that I love you Keefe."

"You said that?" he pondered for a minute, "I thought it was a dream, I was so out of it that day Sophie."

"Keefe, how long did you know that I truly liked you?"

"Ever since that day you first enhanced me, and that's when I fell in love with you," he blushed.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKK" Sophie heard Ro Squeal. "I've been waiting and waiting for this confession and now you finally tell it. Don't you think you could've at least waited for a more romantic moment though, like seriously man, I don't think a boring hospital room counts for much."

"Hey, don't blame me! I'm the one who's stuck in this place for like, another week or so," he exclaimed

"Oh, I do blame you Lord Hunky Hair, and when you are out of here, I am so getting my revenge on you," Ro countered.

"Wow, she's actually making me want to hide away with Daddy Dearest right now," Keefe said. "Anyways, what are you going to say to Fitz about us?"

"That's what I was going to ask you. I'm just so worried that he'll hate me, I broke up with him specifically so that I could focus on projects with the Neverseen, what would he think of me if I started dating you?"

"Umm, I have no idea. How about you ask him now?" Keefe answered nervously.

"What do you..." Sophie started to ask, but someone from the doorway clearing their throat very loudly had cut her off. She gazed up from Keefe to a pair of hurt teal eyes staring back at hers.

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