Chapter 6

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"Ok!" Sophie exclaimed, "time to practice our acting!"

"Do we have to?" Keefe whined.

"Yes, unless you want everybody to continue to try and kill us," she said sternly.

"Yeah, doesn't sound like my cup of tea," Ro said, "I'll be in the back with Elwin so that I can help him plot your misery. You are now warned, bye!"

"So... how are we gonna do this?" Keefe asked.

"Well, the whole point of the plan is to lure your mom to Havenfield by saying that we need her help to get you out of coma, so you can literally just nap while I carry you. Actually, scratch that, act like your napping but secretly be levitating so I don't actually have to carry you," Sophie told Keefe.

"Sounds easy enough for me, but what will you be doing?"

"How about this: Help me Lady Gisella you're my only hope," Sophie cracked up at her own joke.

"That was really terrible, human thing?"

"Yep, I was actually thinking more of a: I don't want to work with you, but Keefe is still in coma, so I need your help type of thing."

"Oooh, I just got an idea, I'll be my mom, and you can practice your acting on me," Keefe suggested.

"Okay, I'm ready," Sophie said.

Keefe started to speak, but only Gisella's icy voice wafted out of his mouth, "What do you want Sophie," it asked.

She tried not to shudder as chills crept up her spine, raising the hairs on the back of her neck. Her mind flashed to Gisella's face, her eyes staring into her like daggers. "I... I need your help," she started to say. Her knees wobbled and she had to hold onto the counter to brace herself as she looked down at Keefe. Taking a deep breath, she continued, "I don't want to work with you, but you're the only one who has any idea of how to get Keefe out of coma."

"And why should I help you?" Keefe mimicked Gisella.

"First of all, because he's your son, and second of all, it doesn't matter because... you just walked into a trap."

"Oh no! Please don't take me to Exile, I'll do anything! Please!" Keefe joked.

"That was pretty good Sophie,"he said returning to his normal voice. "After Mommy Dearest pleads for her life, we'll get her to tell us where her little friends are and boom, no more Neverseen."

"It probably won't be that easy," Sophie reminded Keefe.

"Probably not, but you are such a great acter that she will have no other choice but to fall for our trap."

"That's the thing though," Sophie said, "I wasn't really acting. I'm so terrified by the Neverseen, I feel like I'm going to mess everything up because I'll get so nervous."

"Hey, that's okay Foster," Keefe said in a soothing voice pulling her close to him, "they expect you to be nervous whenever they show up, plus I'll be there the whole time to protect you."

"Keefe, I know you think you can protect me, but this is the Neverseen," Sophie told Keefe.

"There's something I didn't tell you Sophie, I got a new power while you were asleep, I can conjure super powerfully," Keefe said.

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