Chapter 17

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"Hey Foster!" Keefe shouted from the other end of the hall. Sophie rolled her eyes but the corners of her mouth curled a bit.

"Where have you been? I've been waiting for you," she stood up from her seat.

"Mr. For- I mean Magnate Leto was just updating me on my mom. She's been kinda out of it these past few days, so we're keeping an eye on her. Oh, also he says that he's very proud of you Sophie, you were finally able to get rid of the Neverseen."

"Well we did that altogether," she shrugged. Sophie didn't want to think about the Neverseen right now, she was too worried about Sandor to think about anything really.

Keefe must've seen Sophie pluck an eyelash because he came up and hugged her, "Hey, Gigantor is going to be fine," he said, sending her those refreshing green sea breezes.

Sophie whispered ok and they opened the door to the healing center. The smell of sterilized bandages and different elixirs made Sophie remember all of the times she had had to come here. She wondered if Keefe was remembering the same thing. She looked over at all of the beds and her eyes immediately landed on Sandor.

His chest was bandages all the way around. On the table to his side stood a large tray full of elixirs. Elwin was helping Sandor to drink them all, which Sandor did not look happy about.

"Please just let me do it myself," he groaned showing Elwin how he could move his arm, though Sophie could tell he was trying hard not to wince. 

Sophie rushed up to him. "Oh Sandor, are you okay? I've been so worried about you. It's all my fault, I should've been inflicted the dwarves closer to you," she said, her voice wavering. Sandor looked up at Sophie and smiled sadly.

"It's not your fault, you're my charge, I'm supposed to be protecting you. Besides, I'm doing fine. I should be out in a few days"

"In two weeks," Elwin corrected.

"But I can do stuff, see?" he said picking up a vial in an attempt to drink it himself. It took him a minute and he had to bend his head down a little bit, but he did drink it.

"Two weeks," Elwin confirmed, "Besides, the Neverseen are gone and Sophie doesn't need a bodyguard anymore, take some time to relax before you go back to Gildingham."

Sandor let out an exasperated sigh. It was clear that he was in no condition to argue.

"So our buddy Gigantor here is going to be fine right?" Keefe questioned Elwin.

"Of course he'll be fine, Bullhorn has no interest with him right now," Elwin reassured Keefe. 

"See, I told you he'd be all right Foster, nothing can stop our favorite goblin."

Sophie let a smile to creep up her face, Keefe is such a goofball.

"He'll be up and running in no time, but he needs to rest, you guys should go do something else, have fun for once," Elwin told them.

"Are you sure, I mean if you need anything Sandor I can-"

"Sophie, Elwin's right, go be a kid and have fun, he's taking better care of me than any other healer ever could," Sandor spoke to her through clenched teeth.

Sophie sighed, she knew he was right, but after Sandor had protected her for so long, she felt like it was her turn to protect him. "Ok, but I'll be visiting you regularly," Sophie promised.

Keefe nodded his head and turned to face Sophie, "Hey, I heard that they're playing Base Quest over at Everglen." 

Sophie was glad she and Fitz were friends again, but she knew it was still going to be awkward for a while, maybe Base Quest would loosen things up though, plus that meant Biana was going to be there and maybe some more of her friends. 

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