Chapter 10

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Hi guys, sorry I haven't been updating lately. I went on a vacation and didn't have time to write, but I'll try to update more! Hope you like this chapter!

Sophie tugged out a few eyelashes. She couldn't let her friends get hurt by dwarfs, but this might be one of their only chances to catch the Neverseen. 

Keefe nudged into Sophie and nodded his head. Sophie took this as permission to enter his mind. 

"What am I going to do?" she transmitted to him.

"Hey, you should be asking what are we going to do. Ok? We're in this together," he answered hugging her closely.

"Ok," Sophie answered, but she still wasn't sure how they could get out of this situation.

"I think that we should let them send the dwarfs at us and hopefully I can put them in the void with my new powers," he said.

"Are you sure that won't be too much for you?" she questioned Keefe.

"I'll be fine, I just want to protect you this time."

Sophie nodded her head and walked forwards letting go of Keefe. "We're not going to let you leave!" she shouted at Lady Gisela.

"Really? I guess that's too bad. I thought you still had some potential left," she sneered. 

She picked up her left foot and started stomping in a specific rhythm causing thousands of dwarfs to emerge from the ground. They pulled out spears and started to inch forwards.

Sophie frantically looked around and saw Dex's eyes widen. She gave him a small smile trying to tell him it would be alright, which helped calm him down a bit. Behind Lady Gisela, Sophie could see that Sandor was nearly done fighting them off and that only Trix remained unscathed. 

Taking a deep breath, Keefe closed his eyes and started sending dwarfs in bunches of five into the void. As he did this, an angry dwarf came towards Sophie and launched himself onto her holding a sword against her throat. 

"Help!" She screamed trying to fight him off her back so that she could inflict him, but he kept his sword to her throat so that she wouldn't move. As Sophie kicked and yelled, the sword cut her chin and a sharp pang followed quickly after. The dwarf fell off of her as Dex swung a large bat at the dwarf. He quickly helped Sophie up and she started inflicting other dwarfs nearby.

A few feet away, Tam and Wylie combined their powers creating the same large rainbow of light that had once caused the Neverseen to flee before. It burst in the sky, showering sparks of light and darkness to fall on many of the dwarfs.

A loud shout issued from Sandor as he collapsed to the ground and was impaled by a sharp branch. Immediately Ro swung down her blade on Trix who had caused Sandor to fall. The dagger found it's way into her stomach and she stumbled backwards onto the hard dirt.

"No!" Sophie screamed, running towards Sandor. She knelt down next to him. "You can't leave me! Please don't go," she pleaded as tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"It's okay Sophie, leave me here. Go help Keefe," Sandor whispered to her.

"No, I can't just let you die here," she told him.

"It's okay Sophie, I'll get him to Elwin," Biana told her appearing at her side.

"Thank you Biana," Sophie said.

"Hurry, now go help Keefe he needs you to enhance him!" she shouted as she struggled to drag Sandor away and light leap to the healing center.

Sophie stood up and saw Keefe trying to send some dwarfs to the void but he was going too slow and they were beginning to attack him. One leapt up and pulled a knife across his arm.

"Keefe! I'm coming,  hold on!" Sophie shouted, hoping that she could make it to him in time. She ran across the field dodging several dwarfs trying to attack her until she made it to Keefe.

One dwarf had lunged at Keefe and was about to sink his teeth into his arm when Sophie inflicted the dwarf and it fell midair.

"Grab my hand Keefe!" she called to him as she held her hand out for him to take.

He reached out and grabbed Sophie's hand. Blue light erupted from their fingertips and closed in around all the dwarfs and Neverseen. The light lifted all of the dwarfs and Neverseen slowly into the air. With one last breath, Keefe snapped his fingers and they disappeared into the void. The pressure blew Sophie and Keefe backwards as the blue light faded. The last thing she remembered thinking was "We finally did it."

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