Just a Bruise

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If while I'm walking somewhere I slip, with love please pull for me,

Don't leave me hurting because I tripped, don't walk away pretending you didn't see,

As the world characterizes me by my mistakes, and judges my every move,

Just know I'm not weak in Faith, I'm determined it was just a bruise,

When I speak they will question what I say, because perfection I have yet to obtain,

They applaud but when I walk away, they continue to distort my name,

Through the static I will seek His plan, in Him I will continue to strive,

But if I've fallen and one day I stand, please don't be surprised,

Don't use my past to promote my pain, for Him I can still be used,

The hurt doesn't last even in blame, I'm convinced it was just a bruise,

Still not perfect, some days I stumble, yet in Him I will prevail,

Far from worth it but if I'm humble, He forgives like I never fell,

Still I can follow my convictions, but if my decision contradicts what I believe,

Don't write me off but with intention, on my behalf intercede,

As He forgives, please forgive but in no way should you excuse,

But don't condemn me for what I did, please consider it just a bruise,

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