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Sorry if I led you to believe, that I would engage,

I guess the fact that I didn't mean it, wouldn't help at this stage,

My heart is with Christ, by now you've figured it out,

And although your pretty nice, that's not what this is about,

Would you take offense, if I mentioned, your agenda is not like mine,

And would it make sense, if my attention, has drastically declined,

Would you understand, that what you desire I can not give,

And that which I can, just doesn't appeal,

Sorry if I led you to believe, that I would understand,

That what your heart seeks, is not in his plan,

That I would play a role, that's contrary to my Faith,

Sorry if you didn't know, but I made a mistake,

I blame myself for taking a chance, it was my action,

I don't expect you to understand, so I'm not asking,

Sorry if I'm too forward, with my choice of words,

But this I can't ignore, less I ignore His voice,

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