chapter 19

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I was confused. Confused on why mommy would leave us.
Why did she have to leave? WHY?!
Why did she leave without saying goodbye? I didn't even get to say goodbye.
I saw her laying there in that box,
And her eyes were closed like she was asleep. But she didn't wake up.
She wasn't even breathing.

She was gone.

I was so lost. I didn't know what to do.
I just wanted daddy. He'll hug me and everything will me okay.
I ran to him just wanting a hug. I found him in his big chair.
I crawled up in his lap without any thought. I just want to feel safe again and not lost. But he lifted me up and sat me back down. Confused I looked up at him.
"What's wrong daddy."
I looked up but I was met with someone that I didn't know.
Someone who was grieving in a way a could never understand.
His grief was turned into anger.
"Y-You! What are you doing here!?" He whisper.
"What? Daddy your scarring me." The way he was looking at me shook me to my bones. He had this look in his eyes. They were glossed over like he didn't really know what he was looking at. Like he was in a daze.
"Your suppose to be dead!" He yells terrified.
"D-daddy please." I was scared and confused. What was he talking about?
I could feel the tears in the corner of my eyes. I tried to reach for him.
"NO! Don't touch me!"
He backed away and silently reached for his empty beer bottle.
I took one good look at the man in front of me. Pledging with him to stop. Scared out of my mind trying my hardest to figure out what I had done.
But before I could there was a big


And I was on the floor blood pouring out of my head but before I passed out I looked up and saw a different man.
A man with the most evilest look in his eyes and a smile on his face.
Proud at what he'd done.


"Gaahh!" I sprang out of bed terrified and in a cold sweat. I lean against the wall and put my hands on my knees to catch my breath. My heart is going a mile a minute and it takes a good five minutes to make my breathing go back to normal.

"D-damnit...that...was..terrible!" I say in between breaths. Why did it have to be that memory. Its okay (Y/N) your okay now. Everything's fine, everything's fine. I wipe my tears and get back into bed.

I toss and turn and switch positions but I just couldn't go to sleep. I just feel uneasy and I have this pit in my stomach. There's just no way I'm going to be able to sleep feeling like this. With a heavy sigh I look over to the clock and see its 4:23. Well this is just great! Why does this happen to me. Really why?! All I wanted was have a nice and peaceful sleep. Does my Father have to take that away too!

I really need to go to sleep I have been running on adrenaline for a while now. I need to rest. Why can't I feel like I did last night. I felt so warm and safe. But everything was just ruined by that nightmare. After a few more minutes of trying my hardest to go to sleep I sit up take a deep breath and get out of bed and out the door. The only way I'm going to sleep is if I feel safe, and the only person in the world that can make me feel that way just so happens to be right down the hall

(Azawa POV)

Flashback to after the meeting.

I can't believe Nezu is making me snoop around this poor girls house. I hop to roof tops to roof top trying to find the right house. I finally find the right house. It look like a nice house in a good neighborhood. Its was two story's and had rosebushes in front of the windows. I go up to the front  door and try to open it. And of course its locked it's never that easy. With a sigh I look around the house and find a back window that's open and go through that.

I come in the kitchen window. I take a look around and don't see anything too bad. Just a forgotten piece of pie that looks like it hasn't been touched in days.  "Oooh no." I say as I walk into the livingroom room. Its filled with empty beer bottles, and there's cigarette buds everywhere.

The room is a mess. There are fast food rappers everywhere. And there's holes in the walls where someone punched it. And all the pictures that should be on the walls are on the ground smashed with broken glass everywhere. And there's a single chair with a little side table facing a TV.

I move from the livingroom with a bad feeling in my stomach as I go up the stairs. There are three rooms upstairs two bedrooms and a bathroom. I go in the bedroom closet to the stairs. I open the door to what looks like what would be (Y/N)'s room or what's left of it anyway. The room was completely trashed. There was papers everywhere, several holes in the walls just like downstairs, her posters were ripped off the walls and torn to shreds on the ground, even her desk looked trashed and broken.

I back away from (Y/N)'s room and go into the one on the right that's farthest away from the stairs. I open the door and get a whiff of the awfulest smell. Like puke mixed with cigarettes and sweat. And the room looks just as awful. There's a mattress laying on the floor with a lamp beside it. And beer and whiskey bottles everywhere. The white walls were faded yellow from the cigarette smoke and there was mysterious stains on the carpet. As I looked around I noticed something by the bed there was a picture frame that hadn't been smashed like the rest of them had. I pick it up to see what it is. And the picture was of Mr. Storm and a woman with a child that looked like a smaller version of (Y/N). They were all at the park when the picture was taken. And (Y/N) looks like a mini version of her mother. They all looked so happy. Smiling without a care in the world. I wonder what happened. What could have possibly happened to go from having a beautiful family to abusing your daughter and having nothing to come home to but a bottle of beer.

Just as I place the picture back like I found it I hear the door being opened down stairs. I quickly go to the window and jump out before I get caught. I jump to the neighbor's roof and watch to see who came in. And I watch as (Y/N) and Bakugo go inside her house. What is she doing here isn't she suppose to be stay at Bakugo's house? I watch as she goes upstairs and starts to pack her bags. And...... wait there was a dog in her room?! I watch as (Y/N) yells Skittles and hugs the dog all the while Skittles  licks her face happily. I shack my head at the name. Of course she would name a dog Skittles. She then gets her bags all packed and her Bakugo and Skittles leave the house lock the door and walk away presumably to Bakugo's house.

I stand up and start to leave the house myself. Nezu will want to know what I saw at the house and the fact that
(Y/N) packed her bags for what looked like a weeks worth of clothes. And once I report back to Nezu and get this over with I'm going to take a very long nap in my sleeping bag. I sigh as I think I'm so tired I wanna go to bed. And I walk off to go see Nezu.

𝓑𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓰𝓸 𝐱 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 (𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓)Where stories live. Discover now