Chapter 33

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we got a phone call early in the morning saying that we have to come down to the police station. 

"Thank you for coming" An English Police officer said when we arrived with Chiara in Giovanni's arms sleeping.

"is everything ok?" I asked.

"Not really. well firstly we tried figuring out how Chiara and her mother which her name is Clare made it to Italy in the first place let alone Tuscany. apparently Clare met an Italian guy on tinder who said he would pay for their ticket if they came. of course that's what Clare decided to do  but Something was off about her so we did some digging on who she is, and we found her profile."

"and what did you find?"

"She has a Criminal record and She Served time in Jail. I think it was about 2 years."

"what kind of Criminal record?" I asked.

"she has more than one"

"such as?" Giovanni asked. 

 "Driving While Intoxicated, Possession of Marijuana, Assault of a Family Member which is Chiara and Theft"

"Wow" I replied. "So she's been really busy I see"

"When did she Serve time?"

"When She was 16" The officer said. "it was a Criminal possession of a pistol"

"So that means she had Chiara in Jail?"

"Yes, I believe so"

"I can't believe it. So what's going to happen now?"

"well it's complicated. Clare and Chiara are From the UK and it seems like it's just the 2 of them. Clare's family are not in her life and neither is the father's family."

"Chiara said her father passed away" I replied.

"Yes its true. from what Clare was able to tell me her and the father of Chiara kept the pregnancy a secret and didn't tell their families"

"oh wow" I added. "So She Chiara has no one but her mother what can we do about that?"

"well Clare isn't stable to take care of Chiara. She's been under the influence of drugs and alcohol and has been very abusive towards Chiara. its too of a risk if we just let Chiara go with her mother she needs a safer home"

I look at Giovanni and he looks back at me as if he can read my mind. "what if we adopt Chiara? I mean she got to know Lana and I and I think for her it can be the safest environment" Giovanni suddenly asked.

"it is a good idea, but it's not that simple. if you want to adopt Chiara you must undergo assessments and must show that they will make suitable parents. But that's not all, in  Italian law it requires adopters to be married (or living together) for at least 3 years and its also complicated since Chiara is not a citizen of Italy " 

"so what can we do?"

"I'm not sure. it's a long process and you will also need to talk to Clare as she is Chiara's mother after all"

shit. this is way harder than it actually looks..

"when can we talk to Clare? is she here?"

"Yeah she's here you can talk to her right now if you want to she's getting looked at with the nurse"

"alright I'll go" I said. "Giovanni you stay with Chiara"

"alright" he replied kissing my lips. 

I followed the Officer into the nurses room where Clare was. "Hey Clare, I'm Lana"

"yeah I remember you" she replied. "what do you want"

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