Chapter 7 - Invitation To Asgard

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Jenny had never been happier than when given the all clear on Friday to leave the hospital and go home.  She wondered why the orderly hadn’t been to see her again since his obvious distress at being asked his name after all she thought, it was a simple enough question.  Jenny wasn’t sure what to do with his book none of the staff she spoke to seemed to know who he was, she decided to take it with her for safe keeping he would be able to trace her when he wanted to get it back.  Still Jenny was on the way home now in Jane’s car and finally felt able to relax again.  They pulled up outside the apartment block and Jane helped Jenny to carry her bags up to her flat.  “I’ll be glad when I can have this strapping off my arm Jane it’s starting to get very itchy” Jenny whinged.

“I’ll be glad when your all better too so I don’t have to play nursemaid and servant anymore” said Jane putting Jenny’s bags down in the bedroom before returning to the lounge.

Jenny pulled a hurt look “Oh I’m not that bad am I?”

Jane laughed “only kidding Jenny.  By the way did you see your tall, dark and handsome orderly again I forgot to ask you”.

“No it’s a real pity too he was so good looking and very polite, don’t meet many gentlemen these days” Jenny stopped looking at Jane “the weird thing is that no-one at the hospital could place him and I still have his book”.

“Don’t worry too much about that you can always drop it off when you go for your check up on Monday and if he needs it urgently he can get your details from the hospital computer and get in touch”.  Jane said this out loud but thought to herself “or we could just give it to Thor because I’m sure it was Loki that paid you a visit”.  She made a coffee and then settled her friend down on her favourite sofa in the lounge.  “Now, is there anything else I can do for you tonight Jenny before I go?  If not I’ll pick you up at 9.30 in the morning Thor is due around about 10.30 if he is on time that is”.

“No I’m good thanks Jane.  I Guess I owe you one for everything you have done for me this last week”.

“It’s too late to start counting now we both probably owe each other thousands of favours.  See you tomorrow.” Jane left and after closing the door Jenny sank down on her sofa happy to be back at home.

Jane had just arrived home when she heard a familiar rush of noise outside on the patio.  She whirled round to see Thor knocking at the window. “Thor what are you doing here?  You are due at 10.30 tomorrow morning not tonight?”

Thor smiled and pulled Jane into his arms “am I not allowed to visit when I like?  Do I have to make an appointment first?”

“No of course you don’t it’s just a surprise.  A very pleasant surprise though.  I haven’t eaten yet and need to, do you want anything?” she said moving back into the house.

“No thank you but a drink would be nice Jane.  However, I do have a good reason for coming tonight other than to see you.  It’s about tomorrow I need to discuss it with you”.

“Oh no you don’t, Thor you can’t pull out now.  Jenny is looking forward to meeting you and she has had such a bad week she needs cheering up.”

“Slow down Jane.  I know something of how bad Jenny’s week has been and no I’m not going to back out, I am still intending to allow you to introduce me to your friend” he stopped.

Jane looked at him puzzled “you already know about her bad week?  From Heimdall no doubt so what’s the problem then?”

Thor waits while Jane gets the drinks and her food then says “let’s sit down” Thor takes Jane by the hand and leads her to the sofa “first I need to ask you if you have noticed anything odd this week, anything that seemed strange?”

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