Chapter 16 - Running Away From Situations

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Heimdall greeted them upon their arrival at the Bifrost and Loki kept his arm around Jenny as they walked to the palace.  The closer they got to the palace the more nervous Jenny becomes Loki can sense this and holds her closer “it will be okay I promise”. 

Thor called over his shoulder “come on you two” as they headed for the library, Jane stayed outside with Loki and Jenny while Thor entered.  He returned shortly “okay Loki, Jenny he’s waiting for you, we’ll be waiting for you in the grounds” and they walked away.

“Deep breath Jenny” Loki laid a kiss on her lips.  Loki took her by the hand as they walked into the library.  Jenny liked this room it was one of her favourites when she had received the grand tour.  Odin stood with his back to them looking out over his realm he turned on hearing the door shut.  Loki walked forward still holding Jenny’s hand.

“Miss Anderson, Loki I am pleased that you agreed to come to meet with me, I was sorry to hear of your terrible ordeal of yesterday I hope that my son has taken good care of you”.  Loki released her hand and slid his arm around her waist as he felt her starting to tremble again.

“Thank you for your concern you will be glad to hear that Loki taken excellent care of me”.

“Good” he walked forward looking at Loki’s arm around Jenny’s waist.  “I hope you won’t mind if I ask you to step outside to wait while I have a talk with my son”.

Jenny winced inwardly when he called Loki his son, aloud she said “of course not” and with a glance at Loki she left the library.

“Loki” Odin asks “how long do you intend to stay with Miss Anderson may I ask?”

“I might ask why you feel the need to ask that question, I have never known you ask questions without reasons”. 

Odin’s face relaxed into a smile “touché”.  Outside Jenny’s nerves were starting to get to her as she paced up and down, she could feel the colour leaving her face.  In the library Odin continued “I admit that in the past I have expressed my aversion to Midgardians and their visits, that was before your mother’s death and Thor’s insistence that Jane be his queen or he will not take the throne.”  Odin looked at Loki, “and now do I get an answer?”  Loki remained silent “I understand your mistrust of my motives but I assure you on this occasion I ask only because after Miss Anderson’s ordeal last night I need to know your intentions are honourable ones.  I know of the connection but I also know it was not intentional and was as a result of her request so that she could help you”.  Odin paused “but you have not in the past been without fault and have destroyed a good many lives”.

Loki stared at Odin thoughtfully “if you must know my intentions are honourable in this respect.  I intend to stay with her until Monday and then…..”

“Yes” Odin pressed.

“And then I intend, if she will accept, to ask her to marry me.  If she accepts then I shall leave Asgard to live on Midgard with or without my magical powers I care not”.

Odin sighed “it appears that my sons have both lost their hearts to mortals, it is not what I wished for you both but I cannot fight you, Thor has made that quite clear to me”.  Odin smiled “Loki you don’t have to exile yourself from Asgard both of you will be welcome here as often as you wish”.  Odin walked towards the door “and you have my blessing if Jenny accepts your proposal”.

He opened the door and they left the Library as Jenny starts to keel over Loki rushes over catching her “Jenny what’s wrong?”

“I just felt a bit light headed, can we go home now?”

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