Chapter 8 - Meeting with Loki

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Jane pulled up in the car outside Jenny’s building then went up to her flat, Jenny was ready although looking pale and they were soon on the way back to Jane’s house.  “Your quiet and miles away Jane” Jenny looked at Jane as she sat at the table drinking her coffee.

“Sorry Jenny, Thor will be here soon and I’ll explain then”.

“Explain what exactly? Don’t tell me he’s actually got two heads or something?” Jenny laughs.

Jane smiled at her friend “No don’t be silly, it’s just that he paid me a visit last night and well there are some things that we need to tell you but I need Thor here as I’m not sure if I have all the facts straight in my mind.  If he’s on time he’ll be here in a few minutes then we can talk properly.”

Jenny gave Jane a quizzical look what on earth was Jane mumbling about it sounded like complete gibberish maybe she had gotten a bang on the head too.  She moved to the lounge taking a seat on the sofa before relaxing back, closing her eyes sighing deeply and gently rubbing her arm.  Jenny had no idea why but for some reason her arm was aching at lot today not just the part that had been sprained but all the way up, it was a nagging ache similar that was irritating her.  There was a rush of air and bright lights and she heard Jane pushing her chair back Thor must have arrived.  Jenny could imagine their greeting so kept her eyes closed she didn’t want to feel like a gooseberry, and if she couldn’t see anything then she would be okay. 

“Jenny” she heard Jane’s voice and opened her eyes “this is Thor, Thor this is Jenny”. As Jenny got up from the sofa Thor took her by the hand and kissed it.

“A pleasure to make your acquaintance” he bowed which made Jenny blush.

“Why thank you kind sir, meeting two gentlemen in one week how nice” she replied grinning at Jane.

Thor winked at Jane as she moved to the fridge “shall we just have sandwiches and drinks or shall we go out for a hot meal?”

Thor turned to Jane “I think we should have a light meal of sandwiches so we can talk and then decide on what to do next.” Jenny raised an eyebrow, now Thor was talking nonsense what was going on.

Jane quickly prepared sandwiches while Thor told Jenny more about Asgard and then she asked “by the way Thor how is your brother Loki?  Jane tells me he has had a rough time over the last few years.  It can’t have been very nice when he found out he was adopted and wasn’t who he thought he was, I should know I’ve had first-hand experience of something similar to that myself” she looked down at her hands “It causes you more pain than you can ever imagine, it feels like you have had your heart torn in two”.

Thor quickly looked over at Jane who continued to make sandwiches keeping her head down.  “I see Jane has been telling you something of Loki and his torment of recent years”.

“Yes she did but please, don’t be cross with her Thor, it was my fault, I made a nasty comment about what he did in New York and you’ll be glad to know that she stood up for Loki and shot me down in flames by telling me the truth about his situation.  She knows no-one can understand how you feel when that happens to you, better than someone who has experienced that heartbreak first hand, and Jane knew that I would understand how he was feeling.  I guess she was hoping that I might have some suggestions to help but I drew a blank I’m afraid”.

“Do not worry yourself Jenny we may yet be able to not only bring him out of his despair but if all goes well, the good that he has buried so deep within him will surface and he will be the Loki of old” Thor smiled “we can but hope”.

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