Chapter 14 - I'll Come When You Call

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The next day dawned and Thor did indeed arrive to take Jane to Asgard.  Once there she spoke to Heimdall “Can I ask if you have seen anything strange with regards to Jenny?”

“I have of course kept an eye on her as Loki has requested but as I have told him she seems to be working very hard, the last time Loki visited her she got quite upset when he left clearly not wanting him to leave, other than that nothing”.

“Thanks I will have a talk with Loki” they then walked from the Bifrost to the palace upon arriving Jane was surprised there was no sign of Loki “is Loki in his chambers?”

“Jane I have been away visiting the other realms for father maintaining the peace we are currently experiencing so I haven’t actually seen much of him myself”. 

“Oh, well maybe I will get a chance to see him later at dinner”.

“Possibly, also you must stay for a few days or come back soon you have to study the etiquette and learn more of what is required of Queen of Asgard, the time of our wedding and my coronation draw closer” as he smiled at her Jane realised just how much she loved him.  They spent the day enjoying the sights of Asgard and meeting up with Thor’s friends.  By dinner Jane was eager get to the dining hall to talk to Loki and was genuinely surprised when he greeted her with a smile and a hug as if nothing was wrong.

“Is everything okay Loki?”

“I think so why do you ask?” Loki smiled broadly at Jane his face showed no strain or worry he seemed genuinely content.

“I’m worried about Jenny, I know you have visited her on occasion” she looked at him again “have you been to see her recently?”

"I saw her last a week ago but when I tried to arrange another visit she was too busy with her work.  She did promise that she would tell Heimdall when I could visit again but as yet I have heard no more”.  He noticed Jane frown deeply “I have to ask why you appear to be so distressed I have not sensed her in pain.  She was looking pale when I saw her but assured me that she was feeling okay that there was nothing wrong, I saw no reason to doubt her.  After all why would she lie to me about that when she knows there is a connection I am sure to know if she is in pain” Loki looked at Thor who was also watching Jane with some concern.

“I have to ask why you are so worried about her, has she given you cause to worry?” Thor asks as he rests his arm on her shoulder.

“I’m not sure but last night when I visited her she looked really ill” Jane shrugs her shoulders, “oh perhaps it’s just me forget it, if she has told Loki she is okay then she is, perhaps she is just working too hard”.

They joined Odin at the table for their meal with Odin spending a long time talking to Jane about her future role as Queen. Loki suddenly put down his knife and looked at Thor “Thor we need to get me to Midgard as fast as possible”  Thor can see Loki has got that pale blue tinge to his features again “Thor we must go now” he said with more urgency to his voice.  Without a second thought Thor took up Mjolnir and they were gone, leaving Odin and Jane staring after them. 

On arriving at the Bifrost Loki by now was looking more Frost Giant than Asgardian and Heimdall simply said “hurry” as they were both despatched straight to Midgard.   They found themselves in a dark alleyway and all Thor saw was a flash of blue as Loki sped forward taking hold of a man by the throat who has Jenny pinned up against the wall pulling him away from her.  Thor sees Jenny start sliding down the wall to the floor so rushes forward and grabs the man from Loki saying “quick Jenny needs you I’ve got him.”

Loki turns just as Jenny crumples to the floor he quickly crosses to where she is dropping to his knees beside her on the floor “Jenny look at me are you okay?”

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