Chapter 15 - Summoned

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“Where is Jenny and how is she?” Thor asked ignoring Loki who moved away from the door and motioned with his hand towards the bed.  Thor strode over and entered “I need to get back to Jane and father let them know all is well we left in a hurry.  But I need to know if you are quite well first?”

Jenny looked at the brothers standing by her bed “I feel shaky but okay thanks to both of you.  What happened to him Thor did you take him to the police? Are they going to lock him up?” 

“I wasn’t sure how the Police would react to me so I paid a visit to a friend who is taking care of it.”

Loki walked round and sat down on the bed “would that be anyone I might know?” he asked as he allowed Jenny to lean back against him and he wrapped his arm around her again.

“Yes it was Tony Stark if you must know.  I have to say that he was not best pleased when he found out what happened to Jenny.  Miss Potts was with him and seemed to think he had something very unpleasant planned for you I’m not sure what she meant.  They are taking him to the police, Miss Potts said she is going to call shortly to see if you are okay” at this the doorbell rang.

Loki jumped “I’m not so sure I should be seen here Thor, they have good reason not to like me”.

Thor left the room to answer the door “calm down let’s see who it is first” Jenny says.  Loki sat back against the pillows frowning as Jenny placed her hands on top of his entwining their fingers once more in an attempt to calm Loki.  “It’s okay I want you here with me” at this Loki pulled her closer resting his chin on her shoulder he always felt so calm when he held her.  They could hear Thor talking in the lounge and Jenny took a deep steadying breath as she heard him open the door.

“Miss Potts wants to know if you wish her to go with you to make a report to the police or if you wish them to come here?  Either way she is happy to be with you so you don’t have to go through it alone.”

“Does she know that Loki is here with me because I would like to talk to her?”

“I have explained that it was Loki that knew you needed help and that we came here together, so both Miss Potts and Tony Stark know he is here yes.”  Thor moved to one side and Pepper Potts walked into the room.

As she entered the room Loki made to release Jenny but she clung to him pulling his arms tighter so that she felt safe completely wrapped up in his arms feeling his body against hers.  “Hello Jenny, Loki, I’m Pepper.  Tony has taken your attacker to the police station but we need to know if he actually…” Pepper paused “well you know if he did… or not and if you wish to make a complaint.  We were informed that he apparently has a record of similar attacks”.   Pepper walked over to Jenny and sat down placing a hand on her arm.

Loki felt Jenny shudder in his arms at the unspoken words, what it could be she obviously understood perfectly what Miss Potts meant even though the words had not been spoken.  “I’m glad to say that Loki got there before he could manage to, so fortunately I’m not in a position to put in a complaint on those grounds.  If I complain at all it will have to be as attempted.”  For Loki it was like listening to secret code he looked from Pepper to Jenny.  What had that man tried to do that was so totally abhorrent to these two ladies he did not understand.

“I am really glad to hear that, I think what you need is some rest.  I will join Tony and let them know the situation.  Will you be alright I know Jane is not here at the moment?”

“I’ll be fine I am going to ask Loki if he will stay with me tonight and thanks for everything.”

Pepper got up to leave, “I’ll call you in the morning to check you’re okay” and with that she was gone Thor following to let her out.

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