Chapter 18 - Wedding and Coronation

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Loki stays with Jenny until the weekend before they return to Asgard for the wedding.  When they arrive on Friday evening they find they are the first to arrive in the dining hall.  They were talking happily when Odin entered, Loki made to stand but Odin waved him to remain sitting. 

“Are you quite well this evening Jenny?”

“Yes thank you”.

“Good and you look more settled as well Loki”.

“Yes thank you I am”.

“Good” Odin joined them at the table. “I presume you will be staying until Monday morning when you have work” Jenny nodded, “are you intending to accompany Jenny Loki?”

“I am” Loki placed his arm around Jenny’s waist “I shall go back and stay for a few more days until I am sure she is well enough to be on her own”.

“And then what have you decided to do, have you made a decision?”

Loki pulled Jenny closer “I have made my decision”.

“Am I allowed to know what that is yet?” Odin looked from Loki to Jenny.

“You will have to wait as I don’t have an answer yet myself” Loki smiled down at Jenny warmly.  She was confused by the conversation she had just heard but Loki seemed happy and so did Odin and that meant things couldn’t be that bad.  Just as Loki and Jenny were taking their leave from Odin Jane and Thor arrived.  Jane winked at Loki who bowed in response as he steered Jenny to his Chambers, “I think you should have an early night it will be a very long and tiresome day tomorrow”.

“You are probably right” and with that they changed and retired for the night snuggled up together.

Next morning they awoke early to a clear sunny sky “time for breakfast” Loki said getting up and changing.

As they eat breakfast Jenny asks “Loki, will there be time for us to go to the forest this morning?”

“If that is what you wish by all means” said Loki and they set off.  It was a lovely morning as they sat in the sunshine in Loki’s favourite spot just cuddled up to each other sharing intimate kisses.  All too soon they had to return to the palace for lunch and then the wedding. 

As they approached the palace Jane came over to them, “Jenny Odin would like a word with you before we eat he’s just in the dining hall”. 

Jenny looked from Jane to Loki who kissed her on the forehead and said “go on it’ll be okay I promise” and so she entered the palace alone. 

Jane turned to Loki “is everything okay now between you two?”

“More than okay and for that you have my eternal thanks Jane” Loki took up her hand and kissed it.

“Glad to help.  Now let’s go see what Odin wanted Jenny for”.

As they approached the dining hall Thor came up to them “Father has requested us to wait here until we are called”.

“What is going on?” said Loki.

“I am as much in the dark as you” Thor replied.  Odin they could see was sat next to Jenny deep in conversation.

“Jenny I have asked to see you because I need to know how you feel about my son Loki”.

Jenny wanted to scream he is not your son but stopped herself instead she says “I don’t know what you mean”.

Odin took her hand “please forgive me asking you this but,” he paused “Loki has not had the best of times recently.  I know that you are aware of what I speak which is why there is a connection between you.  However, this connection may or may not last I cannot be sure and Frigga is not here to ask.  I do not wish for Loki to encounter anymore pain in his life as I do not wish you to either which is why I ask what your feelings are for him”.

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