Chapter 03

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     “This isn’t fair” Roo said.

“Pizza!” Jack’s and Alex’s voice chimed.

“Really?” Roo turned with a grin.

“Jackkkk” Shay whined running her fingers through his hair knowing it turns him on, he cleared his throat shaking his head slightly making my hands drop.

“Stop” Jack whispered softly into Shay’s ear.

“Only if you let me and Roo go downstairs for a little while.”

Jack bit down on his lip, “No, Alex.” He coughed. “Can we go?”

Alex raised an eye brow.

“Alright, we’ll bring Cass up later to check on you two.”

“Cass gets invited?!” Roo whined.

“I’m sorry Roo” Alex pecked her lips lightly.

“You Mr. Gaskarth are no fun, fuck bed rest.” Roo pouted.

The door bell rung echoing inside the apartment, they rubbed the back of their necks backing away from the girls slowly staring at them as they walked out of the bedroom with weak smiles on their faces.

“We’ll miss you.” They chimed.

“I’m sure” Shay crossed her arms.

“Yeah okay!” Roo shouted at Alex.

Jack walked back inside the room as Alex left bringing Shay in for a short hug pecking her lips lightly, “I promise I’ll come up later I won’t stay down long I have something for you anyway.” He smiled.


He nods.

“What is it?”

“It’s a surprise, love you.”

Shay sighed, “Love you too.”

Jack closed the door behind him leaving Roo and Shay alone again.

“I wonder what the surprise is.” Roo asked.

“I wish I knew the answer to that.”

Roo chuckled slightly.

“Well what shall we do?”

“Wait till Cass comes? She may rescue us both if she loves us.” Shay sighed.

“I just want to play Call Of Duty” Roo groaned.

            Jack was in the kitchen getting another slice of pizza as Alex was playing Call Of Duty with Vinny, Cass walked into the kitchen smiling seeing Jack in there leaning against the counter with a small box on the counter staring at it.

“Whatcya got there?” She asked grabbing a drink.

“Something for Shay”

Cass rose an eye brow.

“It’s a promise ring.”

“An engagement ring? Is our Jacky growing up?”

“I’ll always be a kid at heart Cass.”

She smiled, “Congrats Jack, I’m glad you and Shay got back together and have gone this far.”

He smiled.

“Thanks Cass, speaking of Shay do you think you can go check on them? It’s been nearly two hours since any of us had gone up there.”

She smiled, “Sure I need to see my two girls anyway.”

Paint Your Wings; [Sequel to Reckless and the brave]Where stories live. Discover now