Chapter 12

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Jack played with Shay’s fingers in the back seat of the taxi that had come picked the two up, her head resting on his shoulder, she loved him she knew her heart belonged to him and his belonged to her.

“When we get there I want you to close your eyes, I’ll lead you the way.”

Shay smiled, “Last time you did this you kidnapped me.”

“Well this time I don’t have too because your mine.”

Shay nods slightly, the taxi had soon come to a stop she felt him smile against her cheek he opened the door stepping out poking his head inside slightly holding his hand out, Shay smiled taking it.

“Close your eyes”

Shay nods closing her eyes as he helped her out of the taxi he closed the door his arms wrapped around her waist as he lead her toward the area they needed to be, he had got a few people to set a table up under the moonlit sky nothing but the sound of waves crashing together was herd from a distance they had soon stopped for what seemed like hours.

“Open your eyes” He whispered.

Shay’s eyes fluttered open her eyes sparkled as the moon shined down on her she had smile on her face, her eyes got big a smile crept upon Jack’s face as he took a picture of the two of them together as he was still behind her he kissed her cheek lightly hitting the flash button instantly putting it onto twitter tagging Roo, Alex, Rian and Zach and of course Shay, he put his phone away with a smile he lead her over to the table pulling a chair out from under the table.

“I didn’t think you had this in you Jack”

“I have a little of a romantic side, I show it when it is needed.”

“You should show it more”

They were both seated, in front of them was a small picnic basket Shay could scene him being nervous she wasn’t sure why but he just seemed to be there was something different about him, they talked and joked around for a few hours as they ate dinner they were now lying in the sand the small waves that hit the shore touched their feet just from how close they were to the shore, her head was resting against his chest as his arm was placed around her.

“I don’t know how I ended up being with you, I don’t deserve it”

Shay sighed.

“But you do, the past is the past. The future is right here.”

Jack smiled hearing her say that she had so much trust in him, so much belief in him maybe a little too much, he took in a deep breath letting it out standing up, Shay stared at him confusingly he smiled.

“Come here” Shay stood up with his help he took both her hands in his looking into her bluish green eyes.

“Shay Bear, I love you. I don’ think I could ever imagine myself being with someone else ever, not even in the future if anything happened to you I’d fucking lose it I have fucked up twice but you’re here carrying our child, I’m standing here in front of a beautiful girl, an amazing one at that.” Shay smiled looking down but he lifted her chin back up digging in his pocket taking a small box out, he got down on one knee, he opened it looking at her.

“Will you marry me?”

Paint Your Wings; [Sequel to Reckless and the brave]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt