Chapter 06

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Holly had to ruin everything, I hated her for that. Alex was trying to stop me from going back there to make it worse only making me feel like shit that I couldn’t at least try and fix this myself.

“I need back there Alex.”

“Roo will take care of it.”

“No! I need to I fucked up and-“

“Twice” Alex pointed out, I huffed and sat back down with my arms crossed roo bounced over digging in the fridge grabbing some ice cream.


I looked up, she glanced at me as she closed the fridge.

“Just, stay you caused enough for one day.”

“I need her Roo”

I wiped my face as I looked down.

“Roo he’s torn”

“What do you think about Nibs?”

“I- is she staying?”


“Thanks Roo.”

I looked down at my phone at the recent picture that was took of Shay and I shutting the phone off I scooted over sighing, Lex stared at me a second as I felt tears stream down my face, he sighed softly scooting over putting his head down on my shoulder.

“Roo’s trying Jacky, that’s all she can do.”

After a good hour Shay and Roo walked back up to the front, Alex stopped raising an eye brow at them seeing Roo was smiling, Shay still looking pissed off.

“Why is she still mad? And your smiling? What did you do?”

“Why do you automatically thnk I did something?”

“Because it’s you.”

“Yeah your right but just watch.”

“Watch what?”

“Hush it, I’ve got this.”

Jack stared at Shay, “Shay? Please talk to me.”

Shay shook her head.

“Shay, please you have no idea how sorry I am for not telling you this and you having to find out this away, please just talk to me it’s killing me.”

Shay looked down shaking her head still not answering him.

“Shay, I think he suffered long enough.”

Alex glanced at Roo as she said that, Jack raised an eye brow.

“Wait, you weren’t mad at me when you walked in here?”

Shay looked up shaking her head.

“No, we thought that we’d make you suffer for a little while.”

Jack stood up standing in front of Shay glancing at her a second before he stormed off toward the back of the bus, Shay bit her lip lightly.

“That went well.” Alex mumbled.

The door to the bathroom slammed shut, “I’ll go talk to him.”

Shay slowly walked down the hall stopping in front of the bathroom door biting her lower lip lightly she twisted the knob seeing it was unlocked she walked inside to see Jack sitting down he looked up at her.

“Shay why the fuck did you do that? I feel like shit right now.”

“How do you think I felt when you’re ex shows up not only pregnant but with your baby? A lot worse than you right now that’s for sure.” Shay said.

“It’s not mine.”

“I know”


“Roo knows things”

“I’m sorry Shay Bear.”

Shay felt his arms wrap around her waist carefully, she sighed into his chest clenching onto his shirt he pulled back kissing her lips softly.

“I love you Shay bear”

Shay smiled against his lips.

“I love you too Jack, but your still not fully forgiven."

"I'll make it up to you I promise"

Paint Your Wings; [Sequel to Reckless and the brave]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя