Chapter 07

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    “Bed rest you two, I don’t care how badly you two want to come out and see the bands play, you two need to rest and not be on your feet all day.”

Roo and Shay stare at each other, then back up at the guys with a blank expression on, Jack chuckled putting a pile of movies in front of us both.

“I love you Shay Bear, this is for the best.”

“But Jacky, I wanted to see BlessTheFall.”

“Sorry Shay Bear”

Shay pouted batting her eye lashes.

“Jack, come on before you cave in.”

Jack nods kissing her lips lightly, “I’ll see you soon.” Alex pulled him away, Roo and Shay stared at each other with grins.

“We’ll end up seeing them in the crowd dancing and have to talk them back onto the bus.” Jack said, Alex laughed as the door the bus closed only meaning Jack and Alex were gone getting ready for the show.

“Pfft, fuck movies we’re getting off this bus after we dye my hair.”

“When did you get hair dye?” Shay raised an eye brow.

“The last stop we made at the store.” She grinned happily. “Come on you’re helping me we’re doing it purple.”

Shay laughed a little shaking her head following Roo into the bathroom.

“Fine fine but if it messes up don’t blame me.”


The girls stayed on the bus for a good hour knowing the guys would be on the stage soon wanting to hurry and be there to see some of their performance after putting the hair dye in the girls sat there and waited for 30 minutes once the 30 minutes were up Roo jumped in the shower washing out the dye stepping out 10 minutes later drying it off with a towel plugging the blow dryer in the color started showing she grinned.

“Love it!” She sang.

“Well I did a pretty damn good job” Roo laughed.

“Now to go watch our sexy ass me perform for a few minutes.”

Shay grinned jumping up as did Roo, “I hope people don’t recognize us and stop to say congratulations blah blah blah.” Shay groaned.

“Me too, it’s annoying.”

The door closed behind us as the warmth of the sun hit us both, we grinned skipping passed a few people to go look at some merch and maybe meet some of the bands that were playing or finished playing.

The fans cheered.

“How is everyone doing on this hot ass day?!”

Jack walked up to his mic after getting a sip of water.

“Hey Alex”

Alex laughed glancing at Jack.

“Dude your mic is turned off again”

Jack glanced at Evan, “Dude, turn my fucking mic on!”

“Just talk dude, fuck it.”

Jack laughed, “Can you all hear me now?”

The fans screamed.

“It’s like the can you hear me now commercial.”

Alex laughed through the mic after he spoke.

“I have something important to say,”



Paint Your Wings; [Sequel to Reckless and the brave]Where stories live. Discover now