Chapter 15

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“Morning” Lex turned over his arms draped around Roo who was still sound asleep he whined a little pecking her lips lightly.

“Roo Roo?”

“Sleeping, 5 more minutes”

Alex whined a little.

“Jacky?” He looked over to see him and Shay snuggled together in the bunk sleeping, he turned over.

“Alex?” He mumbled sleepily rubbing his eyes fluttering those open moments later sitting up fully running his fingers through his messy bed hair, A smile crept upon Alex’s face seeing he at least got someone to wake up.

“We should sneak off the bus and go get the girls something, maybe some breakfast also.” Alex suggested, Jack grumbled staring at his phone at the time then over at Alex.

“Fine, just so you know you’re lucky I love you.”

Alex grinned, “I know.”

Jack ruffled through his bag once he stood up taking out a pair of black skinny jeans and a glamour kills shirt walking lazily down the hall into the bathroom, Jack stared at himself in the mirror, it was nearly close to December only meaning Shay’s birthday was coming up plus Christmas he had to figure out what she wanted but also knew he had plenty of time to do so he stepped into the shower after pulling off his boxers feeling the warm water on his bare skin he stayed in there for a good 15 minutes soon turned the water off grabbing the nearest towel, he dried off got dressed and started to mess with his hair a little bit, once he was satisfied with what he did to it he walked out.

“Bathroom is free”

“Bout time” Alex joked walking into the bathroom closing the door turning the water on making sure it was warm he stepped in letting the water run down his body for a while before applying shampoo in his hair wrenching it out he was in there for a good maybe 10 minutes maybe even longer he wasn’t really counting he was just wanting to get this over with before the girls woke up to see they were both gone he stepped out drying off slipping into some of his black jeans along with a buttoned down shirt ruffling his hair around trying to fix it the right style he wanted he was soon satisfied and smiled to himself walking out making sure he had everything he needed with him walking up front to see Jack eating his morning cookie crisps.

“And to think I was stopping for waffles.” Alex huffed.

Jack’s eyes widened. “I can have both.” He whined taking the last bite of his cereal still hearing his stomach rumble, “See?” he laughed as did Alex.

“Let’s go”

Jack and Alex walked off the bus seeing they were now at the next venue they were nearly done with their tour soon they would be doing a show in their home town they always loved doing shows there for their friends and family, they caught a taxi.

“Where too?”

“Nearest waffle house”

The drive was quiet Jack was on his phone checking his twitter updates typing back to a few people like he usually does on his mornings the car came to a stop 25 minutes later we stepped out paying the cab driver.

“The girls are going to kill us” Jack mumbled.

“We can bring them back something on the way” Alex said.

“I’m not  worried about Shay she won’t murder me.” Jack joked, Alex rolled his eyes as they walked inside the waffle house, once they ordered they caught up some.

“You know I’ll be throwing you a huge party the night before your wedding”

Jack laughed, “I want to be sober on my wedding dude, I don’t want to be fucking drunk and make myself look stupid up there” he grinned. “And if I end up drunk on my wedding day or this massive hangover Shay will murder me.” He added.

Paint Your Wings; [Sequel to Reckless and the brave]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora