Chapter 50

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A few hours later, dong hua and feng jiu were resting in their chambers at the palace in sarai xingfu. When they had arrived here, from the tao zhu valley, dong hua had brought her back to the rooms for some rest before the guests started arriving for the wedding banquet later. He had magicked away their royal white and purple robes into their regular robes. Realizing this, feng jiu had gotten affronted, saying, "I didn't even have a chance to see the robes properly and now it would take me so long to get dressed again."

Dong hua had looked with amusement at feng jiu's pouted face before tilting her chin up and pressing a small peck on her pursed lips. Gently pressing her chin, he had waved off her worries, "when it's time for us to go, I'll bring them back for you, xaio bai."

Relieved at hearing this, feng jiu had given him a big smile before turning towards the doors to leave. Unaware of what was going through her mind, he had pulled her back against him to stop her from leaving. With her back pressed to his front, he had wrapped her inside his arms and snuggled his head beside hers, before he whispered in her ear, "where do you think you are going?"

Feng jiu had loved the warmth of his embrace and had delved in deeper, before she replied to his question, "there are so many arrangements to be made, dijun. Guests will be coming soon. I was going to look for my mother, to help her with the arrangements."

"Zhong lin will take care of all that. You don't need to worry about it, xaio bai. This time is for you to rest before we go out for the banquet" dong hua had stated.

When she had tried to turn to protest against it, he had pressed a soft, sultry kiss at the point where her neck and shoulder met. He had felt her shudder in response before he had continued to speak against her skin, "if you don't want to rest, then I guess we can start with certain post-wedding ceremonies. Maybe I shouldn't have called them off; what do you say, xaio bai? Should we call your family to arrange for them?"

What dong hua had referenced to here, was the instance when he had told bai zhi to call off the post-wedding ceremonies. Where the bai family thought the reason behind it was dijun's need for privacy, the actual reason had been the fact that he had already relieved feng jiu of her innocence, the last time they were on this island. He had known that her father and uncles won't take kindly to this little detail and would create a huge fuss about it. This would have only ended up hurting feng jiu. So, to eradicate every possibility that may cause her any embarrassment or grief, he had simply called off the post-wedding ceremonies which placed importance on such trivial matters. Even though he teased her about this, it was just to make her settle down for the moment. And his teasing had worked. Since, after that, she had agreed to relax.

So, now a few hours later, feng jiu rested with her back against the curved headboard of the bed and dong hua rested with his head in her lap. She was continuously combing her fingers through his silver hair while he played with the fingers of her other hand. Dong hua looked up at the ruminating expression on her face like she was trying to solve a very hard puzzle. He patiently waited for her to approach him with the subject of her thoughts and soon enough, she spoke up.

"dijun, do you know what happened to our wedding clothes?"

"Why do you ask, xaio bai?"

"there was something important in them. Now, tell me if you know?"

This caused dong hua to take a pause, wondering what she could have lost. "Is there something you missed in them? Everything you carried with you, should have remained untouched. What is missing here, my little fox?"

Feng jiu saw the uncertainty that clouded his face, so she decided to give a more direct answer than her earlier one.

"there was a gift for you in them."

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