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Camila had woken up before him. The clock read 7 a.m. and she wanted to wake him up and talk to him but she knew he needed sleep. He needed rest. She took a picture of him sleeping and she felt like  a creep but she wanted to remember this moment.

When his eyes fluttered open, his smile was everything. For the first time in the days she'd known him he looked.. at peace.

"Were you watching me sleep?" He asked rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and sitting up.

"No..... just,you looked... at peace.." she said using the words from his note that he had no idea she'd read.

"April says I can sleep when I'm dead," he laughed and Camila turned away because knowing what she knew did not make the joke funny.

"Are.. you okay? Is... this about last night? I'm... do you regret having sex with me?"

Camila was in nothing but his shirt and she looked beautiful.  The thought that she regretted the kisses or touches from last night was too much to take.

"No.... I  loved everything about last night..but there's something I wanted to talk to you about..." Camila said nervously.

Unfortunately in that moment the hotel door swung open and it was a blonde. "Hailey!?" Shawn said and Camila recognized this as his ex girlfriend.

"You're cheating on me? With... this groupie!?"

"What the hell are you talking about? You broke up with me remember?!" Shawn yelled.

"I didn't mean it... obviously..."

"Well I did... " he shot back.

"This is unbelievable.. you're too depressed to get it up and now you're fucking.... her?"

Shawn resented that she'd divulged his momentary erectile dysfunction in front of Camila but there were bigger problems to deal with.

Hailey began to smack and hit Shawn and the only thing he could do was put his hands up to shield himself.

"ENOUGH! Touch him again and I'll have you arrested..." April barged in.

Hailey slapped him across the face and then turned and threw Camila a glare and left.

"Are you hurt? Did she leave a mark? The last thing we need is the media getting a hold of this. I need to go talk to her. If there's any hope of fixing this relationship you have to apologize...."

"Apologize for what? If you think I'm getting back with her, you've lost it.... she's lost it!"

"Shawn... you signed a contract..."

"She ended that contract when she broke up with me..." Shawn yelled. Camila was speechless.

April walked out and Shawn punched the bed angrily. "I'm sorry..."

"Its..okay...." Camila didn't know what else to say but she knew he had a show today and she had a lot to say to him but she knew it could wait. Even if he was planning on killing himself... he wasn't planning on doing it tonight at least not while she was around. 

He went about his day and she smiled when he kissed her goodbye to leave for the venue.  He knew maybe he shouldn't have but he wanted to so he did.

April glared at her. "You're ruining his career you know that? You should see what the media is saying... mystery girl..."

"Maybe you should pay less attention to what the media is saying and more to what Shawn wants..."

"He doesn't know what he wants. That's why I'm here. He's here because of everything I've done for him..."

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