What's it like in New York City...

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It had been two days since she said goodbye to him and since then they'd texted but Camila didn't want to overwhelm him with texts. She really, just wanted to make sure he was okay, but she knew that the reality was that he was a pop star and she was.. not. One late night he called while she was in the middle of looking through twitter to find video footage from his concert. He did amazing as usual.

Shawn called her after his show because he wanted to hear her voice. He'd been hesitant to call only because he didn't want to feel like he was being clingy, but the the truth was he couldn't stop thinking about her. Unfortunately, Hailey had done a good job of making it so he had other things to think about.  She'd been apparently telling anyone who would listen that he had a small dick. Her childish antics made him laugh and April wasn't pleased. She spoke to Hailey's manager and her manager countered that she hadn't specifically said Shawn had a small dick, but she definitely alluded to it in a tweet.

On the phone, Shawn explained what was going on. "Yikes.. she... doesn't have any  pictures right.. no judgement..."

"She does..." Shawn confessed

"Well, what guy hasn't sent an unsolicited dick pic, right?" Camila laughed.

"For the record it was not unsolicited, she asked for it..." Shawn defended himself.

"You think she'd leak pictures?" Camila asked, knowing that would make things worse.

"I mean, she could but.. we both know my situation down there isn't... tiny... so leaking pics would only make her look stupid.... in fact.. maybe I should leak my own dick pics..." Shawn mused jokingly.

"April would literally kill you..." Camila said and then she realized what she'd said.

Shawn sighed. "How are you doing?" Camila asked. "And I mean, really, how are you doing?"

"I'm okay.. I.. miss you... I wish you were here.."

"In Chicago? I'd love some deep dish pizza..." Camila said. 

"I'd  much rather have you than, pizza..." Shawn said honestly and then there was silence. "Do you miss me?"

"I do miss you... but I don't want to tell you because you're miles away and I don't know what we are..." Camila said honestly.

"What do you want to be?" Shawn asked.

"Shawn, I'm not naive. I know we lead two very different lives and I know you're not looking for a relationship when you're traveling around the country, probably having hot girls throw themselves at you.."

"I don't care about them... honestly, until a couple days ago I was kind of worried something was wrong with me..."

"How so?" Camila asked.

"Like... I didn't have any sexual drive at all. Hailey wasn't lying.. I literally couldn't get it up and I've been so depressed I haven't even felt the need or desire to masturbate and I don't even know why I'm telling you all this right now..." Shawn laughed nervously. He hadn't mean to unload on her but she was just so easy to talk to. 

"Depression can affect sexual drive.. it's not uncommon..."

"Oh well, thank you, depression," Shawn said sarcastically.

"Have you gotten help... you promised..." Camila wanted to address the elephant in the.. phone..

"I'm working on it. April says I don't have time right now but as soon as I have a break I can see someone.."

"Your mental health can't wait, Shawn.. you promised..."

"And I'm trying.. you.. don't understand what.. well actually, you do understand what April is like. She has a plan and she doesn't want anything to mess it up. She's already pissed at me."

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