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Camila woke up and everything came flooding back.

Just friends and a restraining order.  Just great.

She checked her phone hoping he called but she'd failed to plug it in to charge last night. She didn't have to time now and shes have to take her charger and plug it in somewhere in her lecture.

She felt people staring at her and it wasn't new. Since photos of them had been outed everyone at school knew. Thankfully no one bothered her. Today though the looks were different.

A girl was staring at her and finally she snapped. "Take a picture it'll last longer.."

The girl was still staring while she plugged her phone in. When she looked back everyone was staring at her. The truth was no one knew what to say. No one knew if she knew.

The professor came in and looked at her.

"You don't have to be here..." she said.

"Excuse me?"

"I know what's going on, you can take the day..."

"What do you mean?" Camila was confused but she felt in her gut that something was wrong. She looked at the lecture hall and there was unmistakable sympathy in the crowd.

She frantically opened her phone, now only at 10% but still, she opened  twitter. She had missed calls from Shawn.

The trends on twitter were everywhere.

One read #ripshawn

One read #getbettershawn

And the truth of the matter was she had no idea what was happening but she felt herself begin to she collapsed  and someone helped her out of the room. She was in shock and in tears and the first thing she had to do was call him.

It sounded stupid but she had to. When someone picked up it wasnt Shawn. It was Andrew.

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