Chapter 1 ~The Dream~

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In his dreams-

I woke up, going to school. My friends were all there all huddled around something. In the middle was a pink-haired guy, laughing along with them. He then noticed me, getting up, grabbing my hand, pulling me into the hallway and into the boys bathroom. When we got in, he pushed me up against a wall, pinning me. My heart began beating rapidly. He used one hand to hold both of my arms above my head. The other hand started at my hair, sliding down to my chin, lifting it up so we were staring straight at eachother. Then ever so slowly he moved his head closer to mine, closing his eyes.

"No!" I sat up too quickly, falling out of bed. My foster mother ran into my room, seeing my head on the ground and my legs still on the bed with my back to the bedframe.

"Gray! What on earth happened to you?!?"

I looked at her, "Sorry, it was a bad dream."

"It couldn't have been that bad if you slept in until 7:30. Now hurry up and get downstairs or you wont have time for breakfast."

I jumped out of bed, hurting my neck in the process. I threw on some clothes then ran into the bathroom, brushing my teeth. When I finished with that it was 7:45. No time for breakfast. I ran out the door, being greeted by a freezing cold morning. I hated it. I was always cold. Cold was the ony temperature I'd ever known. I thought to myself. It would be nice to feel warmthl, but I also knew it would never happen.

I got to school, seeing Lucy and her boyfriend, Loke standing there. Erza stood next to her boy, Jellal, and Wendy stood by Romeo.

"Hey Gray!" Lucy ran up to me, hugging me.

I smiled, "Hello."

Levy ran up to me next along with Wendy, who was her little sister. Gajeel and Loke stared at me. I gave them a 'Sorry' look, stepping away from the girls.

"Are you ok Gray? You look like crap." Lucy said.

I looked down, thankfully seeing my shirt was still on, "Yeah, I accidentally slept in this morning."

"Meaning you skipped breakfast." Loke said. I had a lot of mornings like this. It wasn't anything new.

"Yeah." I rubbed the back of my head with my hand. Loke reached into his backpack, bringing out an apple.


"No, Its fine, I'm ok."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm not going to die from not eating one meal."

Erza walked up to Loke, grabbing the apple, "When was the last time you ate?" She demanded.

"Well I had a granola bar yesterday." I said, looking down, trying not to make eye contact.

She tapped her foot on the ground, "Eat this. Now."

"No, Erza honestly, I'm fine."

She sighed, "Just eat it, please?"

She grabbed my hand gently, placing the apple in it. I bit down on it, taking a huge bit out of it. After I finished it, I tossed the core in a nearby trash can. Erza went and stood by Jellal again, satisfied. The bell rang and we all went inside. As soon as I got to the door I froze. There, standing, or sitting rather, in the back of the class was the guy with pink hair from my dreams.



Hia! Its VeRn! I just had a lot of chocolate so I'm rlly hyper. Thx for reading first of all and I LOVE PIZZA!!!!!! xDDD just cant stop laughing right now. Anyways Fill the Tuna says hi! So does steve the STRAWBERRY xD lolz. Thx again for reading! It means a lot to know that people don't die from reading my horrific stuff lolz. Thx again for reading, please tell me if you like it in the comments or leave a vote. I try to update as fast as I can but when I get back to Job Corps on the 7th things are gonna get crazy. I'll still try to update asap. THXQ!!! lol fail.


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