Chapter 11 ~I'm sorry~

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-The next day-

After Sting and his mother had gotten home, they had seen me and tried to help but I yelled at them too. I couldn't take people that I love kept leaving me. I walked to school on my own with Sting keeping a safe distance. When I got to school I ducked under Lucy and Levy's hugs and kept walking to the class. Natsu just watched me. I went in and sat down in the back of the class, laying my head in my arms. I heard yelling and heard someone walk into the room quickly. I ignored it, but the footsteps didn't stop until they were right in front of my desk. I felt tears at the brim of my eyes, threatening to come out.

(Writer hat on)

Days went on like this. I didn't talk to anyone or even look at them. Natsu had tried nonstop to get me to talk to him but I wouldn't. Three days later I heard a loud commotion coming from outside, and sighed.

I looked up, hoping to see Natsu but instead I saw Zeref. He looked at me and laughed, "Pathetic."

"Shut up Zeref."

"Huh? What was that little mouse? Squeak squeak."

I got up, "I told you to shut up."

"Oh ho oh. Little mouse is getting grumpy. Did I hurt your feelings? Let me apologize."

He walked over to the aquarium we had in the back of the class, grabbing a cup of fish water and throwing it all over me. I jumped back, falling over a chair. He laughed loudly. Then Natsu walked in the room. He had to walk in the room. Wait no. Let me change that. He ran. All the way over to Zeref and punched him in the face. I watched, scared to death as a new side of Natsu appeared. Zeref was a bloody mess by the time Natsu was done beating the crap out of him. I just got up and headed to the bathroom. When I got in there, I punched one of the tile walls, breaking the tile, then felt the tears coming agan. No. I wasn't going to cry. I wasn't going to break down again. I was going to do what I should have done a few days ago when I yelled at Natsu and the others. The guys all came into the bathroom, seeing my fist on the wall and a broken tile under.

"Gray..." Jellal said. I looked at him, then took a deep breath. I began to walk out, moving my hand, hearing a drop on the ground, then heard the others follow after me. When I got out, all of my friends stood there. Lucy and Levy stood together, staring at me. I began to walk up to them, but Gajeel and Loke stood in my way. I looked up at them and gently pushed them to the side. Then I put my arms around the girls shoulders, bringing them both into a hug. Then I looked up, seeing Erza standing next to Jellal.

"I'm sorry guys. I shouldn't have yelled at you. I-I don't know what happened. After I came to the realization that she was really gone I flipped. I just didn't want to get hurt anymore so I thought pushing you away would help me. Thats when I realized that you guys weren't leaving me. When Natsu (I almost put Naruto...) came in and defended me, even after I completely ignored him for three days. What I didn't realize until now was that I wasn't the only one hurting. When I saw the look in Natsu's eyes all I saw was (Mirror again xD) hurt. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

I heard footsteps coming this way and saw Natsu. He was looking at me without any emotions. I stared at him for a second, then ran to him, throwing my arms around his neck and burying my head in his neck. He, in return, wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry, Natsu. I'm so, so sorry."

"Don't apologize, Gray. I never want to hear those words come out of your mouth again. I love you. More than anything else in this world. You don't have to apologize to me. Ever. Because by the time you do, I will have already forgiven you."

I pushed myself deeper into his neck, "Natsu, I-"

"Shh. You know, you're cute when you apologize."

I pulled back, looking at him for a second, then I laughed. Everyone else joined in, and laughed along with Natsu and I. Then Loke called, "Group hug!"

They all joined in the hug, laughing.

"You people are sick. Every. Single. One. Of. You."

I tensed at the voice. Zeref. He stood there with blood smeared all over his face. Natsu began to walk over to him but I grabbed the edge of his shirt. He looked at me, suprised. I walked up to him, but his henchmen stood in front of me. Then they backed up. I looked back and saw that Erza was standing right behind me.

Zeref moved forward to punch me, but I caught it. Then I pushed him back. His friends caught him, but he yanked out of their grip. I walked forward, pulling my fist back and bringing it forward as hard as I could. He flew back, landing on his back. The friends looked at me, then I noticed something that almost made me break down laughing. They had both wet their pants.

"Go home to your mom you babies."

"Why don't you go home to your mom Gray?" Zeref said, "Oh wait, she left you. What about your foster mom? Oh yeah. She's dead."

Everyone stared at me, waiting for a reaction. I shrugged, "Yeah. Both of them are gone. There will always be a hole in me where the two of them had once been. But you see, now I have something more important. I have my friends."



Sorry for the short chap. I just wanted to update again tonight. Blek. Its 4 in the morning. I want to go to sleep but I'm not tired. Anyone else feel that way? Anyways 500!!!!!!! 20 votes! and as for those comments. yeaaahhhhh.... xD jk. Thanks so much! Cant wait to write more, but my brain is exhausted. The pic at the top is my writers cap. Its wierd but when I wear it I write way faster. I guess camo just calms me down or something. Mk BYEE!!!. Oh yeah! I have a question for you guys.. Do you want to build a snowman?!?!?!?!?!?!!?1 lolz. cya tomorrow. I will try to stay up as late as I can. PIZZZAAAAAA!!!!!


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