Chapter 21 ~I'll never leave you~

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I know you guyz hate me but heres the next chapter.



I went there, getting picked up by my father and lugged off to his house. "Its better this way Gray."

I looked at him, "The second I step foot in that hell hole I want to see him."

"That is understandable." He said.

We got there and I followed the men downstairs, and to the end of a long hallway. When they opened the doors I saw Natsu laying on the ground with no clothes on. I looked out of the side of my eye and saw a pistol in a mans holster. I quickly grabbed it, aiming it at my fathers head.

He laughed, "You wouldn't."

I tightened my grip on the trigger. "I warned you last time Jordan. If you hurt Natsu then I would put your ass (sorry for lang.) in jail or prision. Right now killing you feels like the better alternative."

He looked at me again, knowing I was serious. I looked at the guards and saw my friends standing behind them. "Gray, we have it from here. Get going." Zeref said, pulling out a gun of his own. He aimed at the guards, shooting them in their legs.

"Gray, if you do this you'll regret it." Jordan said.

"G-Gray?" I heard from behind me. I looked at Natsu who could barely open his eyes. Everything was dead silent. Two people came down the hall laughing.

"Did you see his face when I shoved it in?" I heard. Zeref saw me tense. I shot my dad once in the leg and another time in the shoulder. He yelled in pain. I ignored it and walked into the hallway shooting both of the men in their stomachs. Everyone stared at me, completely shocked. Lucy walked over and grabbed my hand gently.

"Go get Natsu. He needs you." I looked at her, calming down in seconds, then I walked back in, grabbing Natsu, carrying him bridal style out the doors. The girls looked away and Zeref stepped up, giving Natsu his black robe that he usually wore.

"Thank you." I said, knowing I had to get him somewhere safe. Everyone followed me out of the place, then we got into Loke's truck and he gave us a ride back to my place. When I got there I told the others to go home and that I could take care of him from here on. They left, leaving me with Natsu. I carried him into our house, then Lyon ran into the room. He saw Natsu and said, "I'll run him a bath."

"Thanks." I stared down at Natsu. He looked so broken, so abused that I couldn't help but get mad. Ur walked in next, seeing him and ran to get some medicine.

"Have him take these when he wakes up." She looked at him then to me, "Who did it?"

"It doesnt matter. I took care of him."

"It was Jordan wasn't it?"

I nodded, feeling tears begin to break free. "I  hate him. How could he do this to me? To Natsu who had nothing to do with our family business."

I felt Natsu move a little, lifting his hand and gently touching my jaw. "You're breaking your promise to me. You told me you wouldn't cry anymore."

It made me happy to hear his voice. Lyon ran down and said the bath was ready. I helped Natsu in the tub, then carefully rubbed the dirt away from his tender skin. Afterwards I took him to my room and put some pjs on him, then layed him down on my bed. I was beginning to leave when he said, "Please dont leave me Gray. Please never leave me again."

I walked over to him, carefully crawling up next to him, "I wont. I'll never leave you. I love you too much."

And with that we both fell asleep.

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