Chapter 15 ~ Dont Stop Believing~

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I cant believe I've made it to chapter 15! I've never made it that far on any story before! Praise the pizza gods! And all of my amazing readers! Couldn't have done it without you!!!!



After my father slapped me Lyon threatened to call the police and my dad left without saying another word. Ur walked up to me, patting me on the back. "You really do love him, don't you?"

I looked at Natsu who was talking to Lyon, and laughed, "Yeah I do."

She smiled then looked at me, "Well we have to get going. Go up to your room and grab your things."

I nodded sadly, still smiling and went upstairs. When I got up there I grabbed my duffle bag and headed downstairs. I found my mom and Lyon standing in the living room, staring at something. I looked in and saw the picture that my friends had given to me for my birthday. I walked up to it, carefully grabbing it and putting it in my backpack. Ur grabbed my duffle bag and walked out to her car. Lyon walked out next, with a bag of potato chips in his hand. All of my friends were standing on the sidewalk, looking at me. I closed the door to the house, adjusting my backpack. I walked over and stood in front of my friends. Lucy and Levy were crying and both came in for a last hug before I left.

"You guys are acting as if I'm going to die. It'll be fine. Besides, theres always Skype.

-FireAsuri... :)- " I said, smiling.

The girls nodded and walked back to their boys, still crying. "Its ok. We'll just show up on your doorstep one day." Loke said.

I laughed and nodded.

"Gray! We have to hurry and get going before we hit traffic!" Lyon called from inside the car.

I looked at the guys and they nodded, knowing they would be missed. Natsu was the last one I talked to. He was looking at the ground, obviously not wanting to say goodbye.

"Natsu..." He looked at me, "This isn't goodbye. Ok? This is only the begginning. Everything's going to work out. I promise."

"Gray, a while ago you told me you promised not to cry if I wouldn't leave you. I wish I could promise you the same thing."

I saw tears beginning to fall down his face and brought my hand up to wipe them away. "Don't you dare start crying on me."

He laughed, smiling. It was time for me to go so I decided to get one last kiss in before I left. I grabbed his scarf, carefully pulling him closer to me. When he was close enough I felt him wrap his arms around me, bringing me warmth in the middle of winter. Then he leaned in, but instead of his usual gentle kiss, he shoved his face into mine. I returned it gently, and calmly. When we broke apart he looked at me with one of those grins I couldn't resist.

"Gray!" Lyon called. I looked back at them, then at Natsu.

"I guess I have to go. Love you, Natsu." I walked over and got in the car, "Hey Jellal, do me a favor and tell Zeref I said goodbye." Jellal nodded and I got in the car, watching my friends as we turned the corner.

~Three weeks later~

I walked outside our three-story house and looked at the field across from it. Which was completely covered in snow and ice.

"Gray!" Lyon yelled, running outside in shorts. I looked at him, noticing my shirt was in a tree next to the house. I shook my head, sighing.


"Mom needs to talk to us. Come on!"

He went inside with me following closely behind. We both went into the living room, seeing our mom sitting on the couch with an envelope in her hands. "When was the last time you talked to your friends in magnolia?"

"Not since we left, being where we live there isn't any phone service or internet."

"Well I have a question for you and I want both of you to consider this very carefully. Ok?"

We nodded, sitting on the different sides of her. "We have a choice to move back to magnolia, but if we do, we'll be living in Jane's old house."

"Lets do it." I said.

I looked at Lyon, "I thought Sting and his mom were living there."

"They are moving into the house next door to it." I mentioned.

"Boys, Listen up. It turns out Jane had written her will and it was found by Stings mother. It is written in the will that her house was going to be left to you Gray."

I stared at her, "Seriously?"

"Yeah. She really loved you, didn't she?"

I remembered her the morning before she died, "Yeah." I looked down, knowing that she would always hold a spot in my heart. Then I thought of Natsu. I wanted to call him. I wanted to let him know that I was ok and that I was coming back, but I thought of something better.

"Just do it." (Lol Nike) Lyon said, smiling and punching my arm behind moms back.


-Four weeks since Gray left-

I hadn't spoken to Gray in about a month and was beginning to believe that he had forgotten about me. I knew he didn't but the idea was still stuck in my mind. When I began walking to school all of my friends surrounded me. Christmas had passed and it was the beginning of January.

"Natsu, has Gray called you yet?" Loke asked.

"Loke!" Lucy scolded.

I looked at her, "Its ok. No he hasn't called. I'm starting to think he isn't going to."

Lucy slapped my shoulder, "Don't stop believing." (Hold onto that feeeeeeellllliiinggg)

I shrugged, looking forward at our school and seeing someone with darker hair and black clothes standing there. At first I thought it was Zeref but as I got closer I saw someone standing next to him with greyish/silver hair.




Dudes check out that pic at the top I love it! Found it while searching up Lyon and Gray. Thx for all the reads as usual and MERRY NEW YEARS!!!!


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