Chapter 14 ~Parents~

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So I know that this one won't be up until later but I feel like I'm dead right now. I just want some tea and pizza. Is that too much to ask for? Here's chap 14 everybody! Thanks for the 818 reads so far!



I stared at the man like he was crazy. "My dad left a long time ago. There's no easy you're him."

He looked a bit annoyed, "I left Ur so I could find better work so I could support our family."

"That doesn't prove anything to me." I stepped back closer towards the door.

"Well I'm sorry that you don't trust me but we have to get going. The limo driver won't wait forever."

I looked at him, not wanting to admit it but we did kinda look the same. He sighed and took out a slip of paper, "Here are the papers saying that you're my kid again. And here's this of you still dont believe me."

I looked at the papers first and, true enough, he had ownership over me. Then I looked at a little picture he gave me. It was him with Lyon and our mom.

"Y- you are my dad..."

He laughed, "Yeah I am. Now can you please hurry and get your things. I cant keep her waiting."

"Her who?"

"Your fiance."

"Huh? I'm not engaged. I have a-"

He interrupted me, "Hurry up and let's go!"

I stared at him then looked at Sting. "Mr.  Fullbuster,  you see,  Gray already has a-"

He was ignoring Sting. "Hurry up Gray. I dont like to be kept waiting." His voice was stern,  giving me no other option. I gave up, I'll tell him later on. I began to walk upstairs when someone knocked on the door. I opened it and saw my mom and brother standing there. She smiled.

"Ready to- Jordan?" She looked behind me.

"Ur?" My father said surprised. I looked at him then back to her and saw Lyon was standing there behind her. He walked past her and stopped in front of me. Then he put his hand on my head, ruffling my hair.

"Hey shrimp. Long time no see." He smiled looking at me.

"You're only a few inches taller than me." I pushed his hand off my head.

He smiled then looked at dad and pushed me behind him. Our dad just laughed, "Sorry but it's too late. I've got the papers right here." He will be married on the seventh of next month as planned."

"No he won't. I won't let him." Ur said.

Then I looked behind me seeing all my friends standing there. "I dont care what you say dad. I dont care if you have papers because as of a few days ago,  I'm eighteen. I can do whatever I want. And I won't marry whoever you said I will. I'm in love with someone else. And there's no way on earth I'm ruining that."

Ur looked at me, "Gray, you're in love? With who?"

I looked back, Natsu was standing in between Gajeel and Loke. "Him."

Natsu walked up and stood beside me, "Let me get one thing straight. I dont care who you think you are. Gray is mine and only mine. The only way I'm letting him leave this house is with his mom and his brother."

My dad's temper flared and he came over, raising his hand, "How dare you speak to me like that."

I pushed Natsu out of the way taking the full force of the slap. My father stared at me, "Gray, I-I swear I didnt mean to hit you."

I stepped up to him, "I dont care if you hit me. But if you ever threaten to hit Natsu again I will put your bastard ass in jail faster than you can say sorry."



There you go. If you're bored after reading this then go check out a new gratsu fanfic im working on. Its called Keep Looking Forward. Oww. I just bit my wrist trying to see If I could fit my mouth around it. Good news. I can lolz. MK BYE



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