Chapter 2 ~Basketball~

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There he was, looking up at me with a big, cheeky grin. I couldn't move. This wasn't happening.

".y..ay...ray....Gray!" I heard from in front of me. I snapped out of my trans, looking at the person yelling at me. It was Lucy. "Are you ok?"

"Huh? Yeah. Just tired. Thats all."

She smiled, "Come on, lets meet the new kid." She grabbed mine and Loke's armand dragged me over to the new kids desk.

"Hi! You're new here, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm Natsu. I just transfered here."

"I'm Lucy. This is Loke and Gray." She smiled, looking at us, "Is your hair naturally pink?"

"Yep." He said, staring at me. I wanted to look away, but that would have been rude. "Its nice to meet you guys."

He smiled widely. Thats a really cute smile. Wait...What? This can't be happening.

"So hey, since you're new here, want to hang out with us at lunch?" Loke asked.

No. No. No. No. "Sure, thanks!"

~During class~

"So your name was Gray, right?"

"Huh, oh, yeah."

"You seem really spacey." He laughed, "Thats cute."


"Gray! Natsu! Come on, time for our next class!" Lucy called from the door, waving. "Hey Natsu, what class do you have next?"

He took out a slip of paper, "Uhh, P.E."

"Hey! All of our friends have that class next. You can meet them all!" She grabbed him and Loke and began skipping down the hall. She was always so full of energy, I thought, smiling. Then I thought of what Natsu said. 'Thats cute.' What did he mean by that? Those words kept ringing in my head, but it was time for my favorite class so I just let it go. (Let it go! Let it go! Cant hold it back anymore!)

The teacher, Gildarts, whistled loudly to all of us. I walked over, ready to start. "So listen up! If you haven't met the new kid, his name is Natsu! Today we'll be doing a basketball game. I'll tell you guys the teams in a minute." Oh great. There go the shirts. Everyone except Natsu, , me, and the girls, took off their shirts, showing off their muscles. I sighed, walking over to Natsu.

"Uh..Hey, about what you said earlier,-" A few girls ran over to Natsu, shoving by me. Thankfully before I could hit the ground, Gajeel caught me.

"T-Thanks Gajeel."

"Careful Gray. Don't get in front of these fangirls. They just might kill you to get to what the want." He said, putting his arm around my shoulder. Natsu looked at me, then to Gajeel... He had his shirt off.

"So Gray, what was that you wanted to talk about?" He politely walked through the girls and stood inches from me, "O-Oh, um, nothing, nevermind." I could feel the heat in my cheeks and looked over at the others.

"Ok." He laughed, "You're wierd. You know that right?"

Yeah, believe me. You have no idea. Instead of talking I just shrugged.

"Hey! It looks like they're starting. Come on guys! Lets go!" He ran off over to where the teams were gathered. Gajeel left, heading over with him. I followed after, shoulders slumped, head hung low. Gildarts called the teams. "Lucy and Gajeel. Loke and Erza. Jellal and Natsu. Juvia and Gray. Levy and... Zeref? I thought you were still suspended."

"My last day was yesterday. You should know coach. You got me suspended." Zeref laughed, seeing me staring at him, "What do you want, runt?"

I looked away immediately, waiting to start the games.

"Ok. That handled. The first two teams. Jellal and Natsu. Juvia and Gray. Everyone else on the sidelines. Positions. Hurry up!"

I walked over, looking at Juvia, "You start. Get the ball to me, Ok?" (Yeah, I'm not good at basketball stuff. I'm good at shooting, just not teamwork.) She nodded. Coach blew the whistle, throwing the ball up into the air. Juvia jumped up, hitting it back to me. I caught it, looking at the hoop and shooting. The ball swished into the net, falling back to the ground. I jogged over to get it. Natsu did too. We grabbed the ball at the same time, he pulled it closer to him, pulling me with it. "If you don't win, you owe me a kiss."



The ramen stole my chocolate D': I want it back! Lolz. Anyways 12 reads on the first part! Thats awesome! Thanks so much! Anyways, the next part will be up asap!! plz be patient. I have to go get my chocolate back now! TTYL! *In background* GIMME MAH CHOCOLATE!!!! *comes back* oh yeah. This chapter was dedicated to FireAsuri even though I cant do it properly. Thx! *returns to chase after chocolate*


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