Oh, you heard that?

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            "I understand." Pierce nodded his head as he felt a separate pair of eyes on him, he looked around until he saw hot pink eyes peer at him around Ava's door
            Ava knew she got herself caught, Pierce had extremely sharp senses so she didn't expect to get far with peeking. She opened the door as she held it open with her palm, still in her pajamas. Rhys tilted his head down a bit, giving them a moment.
            "I'll leave you two to talk." He kinda knew that Pierce had a better chance with Ava anyway, so he was going to give them the time they wanted. Rhys was never truly seen at a lover figure, he was more of a father figure to everyone. He walked into the secret room as his footsteps echoed once he went through.
            Pierce watched Rhys leave as he looked at Ava, silence between them. Ava spoke first, "So... you come from a place that the others dislike..."
             Pierce took in a deep sigh, his chest rising up, and coming back down with an exhale, "You heard that...?" Ava nodded her head as she walked out to him as she tucked her hair behind her own ear "Don't worry, I won't tell them, what they don't know won't hurt them, y'know?"
             Pierce nodded as he gave a soft smile, matching with the soft look in his eyes he gives Ava each time he sees her, "Yes." Ava places her hands on her hips as she looked up at the gentle giant, "So.. why does Asch's kingdom not like your village?"
             Pierce's smile quickly died down, he looked to the side at the floor boards, "They refused to be under Asch's father's command. Asch comes from the most powerful kingdom, so every other thriving village sucked up to them for recourses."
             Ava nodded "Ah... I see. Well, you obviously suck up to him now since you practically work for him." Pierce nodded a bit as he looked back at Ava "I only did it because it was my only choice, if I refused to join Asch then I'd die out in the dark blossom forest."
             Ava tilted her head "Whats the... dark blossom forest?" Pierce fiddles his thumbs a bit, running his finger nails in the creases of his palm. "It's simply trees that have dark purple trunks and lilac leaves, they don't do much except provide a hiding place for assassins like Leif."
              Ava nodded "Ah, gotcha." She then looked back at the others "They're most likely going to be up in a little bit, I don't feel like dealing with them today..."
               Pierce nodded "Yes." Ava gave him a bright smile as she pressed the tips of her index fingers together "Would you like to go out? We can go find food to eat... it gives you a chance to explore the human world better!"
               Pierce's eyes lit up "Yes!" He smiled as he jumped a bit, exited. Ava turned back to her own room "Then go get dressed. I'll be out in a bit." She closed the door as she began to get dressed
               Pierce pranced back into the secret daemos room, getting his human clothes and getting dressed.

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