Chapter 4

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"There you are. I thought you've been kidnapped on the way." Robbie says, leaning on the car with a coffee in his right hand.

I point at his coffee. "Looks like you have a nice day at work."

"Well, I can't complain. So what were you doing in a Davis apartment building?"

Think fast, Ophelia! Say something intelligent and logical. "I picked something up for my friend."

He looks at me not fully convinced, but he lets it go.

"I have orders to drive you back to your apartment." He opens my door. "Madame."

"Thank you, sir." We joke.

We're almost at my apartment building when I say, "I never had a driver that is as easy to talk to as you. They are all extremely formal which is understandable because it's their job, they don't want to lose it, but it feels like you're just being yourself. It's like you understand that I like to be treated as a friend and not as the boss's daughter but I hope you're not like that when you're with my father." We laugh.

"Ophelia, I'm always here with an open ear. If you're ready to tell me what's really going on, you can tell me anytime. I feel like something is bothering you and I'm pretty good at keeping secrets. It's basically my job to never let anyone know what happens in this car."

I just nod, not knowing if he saw it or not. I'm so thankful that I've met such a kind person although I don't know him that well yet. Obviously because I know him for less than 24 hours. With a family like mine, I've become pretty good at reading people and knowing what they are like. Many people I meet just want something from me and are not real. I know that Robbie is one of the people who are genuine and someone who can become a good friend of mine.

"Thank you." I say.

Robbie turns to me and smiles. I turn back to the road and see that we've already arrived at the apartment building.

"I actually don't mind you driving me around once in a while." I say with a playful voice.

"Too bad. I was really looking forward to have paid vacation at home." He grins.

"Not gonna happen. Bye!" I say as I get out of the car, waving before he drives off.

I walk inside and give Mrs. Burk a smile which she returns, before walking towards the elevator. I have a smile on my face most of the time. This way you look like a nice person and make friends easily but most importantly it makes me happier. Kindness is the key to everything and makes other people happy.

I open the door and make myself comfortable on the couch while I dial my mom's number.

"Hey, sweetie." She answers my call.

"Hi, Mom."

"How are you? We were all so worried about you. We thought something has happened to you." She says in a worried tone.

"I know, I'm sorry, but I'm fine. I really like it here and the apartment is really cozy. I still have to unpack a few things." I explain.

"I'm glad you like it. Didn't you land yesterday around noon? Why haven't you unpacked, yet?" I haven't thought about that. I'm screwed! Sometimes I think my parents know that something is up, the way they question everything. Gladly we get interrupted by my dad who's taking my mom out for breakfast since it is still before 9 am due to the different time zones so we bit our goodbyes.

My parents Chloe and my dad William have one of the most beautiful relationships. They met 30 years ago in Hawaii which is why I wanted to get married there. My parents would always take my older brother, Xavier who is now 24 years old so older by over three years, and me there every summer holidays which is why Hawaii has a special place in my heart. But to go on with my parents' story, my mom went to Hawaii, when she was 20 years, to visit her friend who worked at a hotel, the same hotel my dad, who was 22 years old, stayed in for my aunt Elisa's and my uncle Daniel's wedding. My dad didn't have a date for the wedding so when he saw my mom after knowing her for 10 minutes, he invited her as his date and the rest is history.

A buzzing sound makes me snap out of my thoughts. I quickly look who texted me.

Autumn: Hey, girl. How's NY?

Ophelia: That's a secret I never tell.

Ophelia: No kidding good so far. I spent the night at Aiden's but I'm in my apartment rn.

Autumn: ;)

Autumn: Don't forget protection!! I mean, keeping a marriage secret is one thing, but a child is pretty difficult to hide.

Ophelia: You're so funny, I swear. Quit your job as an actress and become a comedian.

Autumn: Ikr?!

Ophelia: Yeah whatever... Whatcha doing?

Autumn: I'm texting my best friend during my break for shooting my new movie.

Ophelia: I feel honored that you take your precious time to talk to me.

Autumn: You better! Anyway, I just wanted to say that I just got accepted for a new show called New York Life.

Ophelia: Congrats! Wait... are you saying that you're moving to NY???

Autumn: Yessss

Ophelia: Wait really?! I'm so excited. When are you moving here?

Autumn: In three weeks!

Ophelia: I knew buying a two-bedroom apartment was the right choice. If you like, roomie;)?

Autumn: Omg yes.

Autumn: Sorry gotta go. Love you!!!

Ophelia: ly <3

Well, that's good news. I'm so happy for Autumn that she can pursue her dream of being an actress. She was insecure about it because she wanted to go to college first and thought she didn't have enough talent to make it. But those insecurities she always hides with her bubbly personality. Her parents are both teachers and didn't agree with her career choice in the beginning, but they just want their only daughter to be happy, so they were convinced after the first small movie role she got by just seeing how happy she was.

Autumn and I already went to primary school together and we've been best friends for over a decade now. We have always been there for each other and I know that our special friendship will last forever.

I get up from the couch and start to unpack a few more things. After two hours the doorbell rings. I quickly go to my apartment door and open it.

"Hey!" I look confused at the two girls in front of me but still smile at them.

"Hey, I hope we are not disturbing. We are your neighbors. Mrs. Burk informed us that you moved in yesterday. I'm Madilyn but you can call me Maddie." A gorgeous caramel skin-colored 5'4-foot-tall girl with brown eyes and dark curly hair says with a big smile.

"I'm Hazel. Nice to meet you." A beautiful 5'7-foot-tall ginger with hazel eyes says shyly.

"I'm Ophelia. Nice to meet you, too, girls."

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