Chapter 8

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My first day of senior year wasn't as bad and I got to spend some time with the others until my dad called me to meet him at the company.

So I'm here at 9:00 p.m., trying to calm my father down, trying to figure out what to do about some problems caused by none other than William Sinclair. This is ridiculous! I can't believe that after all these years they're still doing this, always trying to outdo each other. I don't even know exactly what caused this. I get it because I'm competitive too, but they're taking it to a whole new level.

"I think we should promote the hotel at airport lounges to attract the rights clients. But other than that, we already did everything possible." I proposed to my dad who is pacing around his office with a glass of whiskey in his left hand.

"Ok we will talk this over with the board members tomorrow. This man has no manners. Who even thinks of such bull crap? He only did it to aggravate me." He nearly screams with a look that is ready to kill.

I know my father isn't necessarily interested in the money the hotel makes but more in being better and richer than Ophelia's father. If this hotel out of his many hotel would fail he would be weaker in the press than my father-in-law and simply the thought of that makes him fume. So that's not an option for him. Not at all. Never.

"I think we're finished here. I really have to go my friends are waiting for me."

"Ok have fun but don't party to hard. You will take over this company so you have to stay focused." He warns me.

"Yeah tell everyone I said hi. I will see you on Sunday." I hurry out of the office because I'm already late for the party at the club. I take the elevator to the private parking lot where I parked my Maserati that I drove here a few weeks ago. I don't want to call Gerald on such short notice also I'm not planning on drinking much tonight so it should be fine.

The club where the party is being held is only a twenty-minute ride so I can use this time to hear some radio which is something I rarely do. I'm about to change the line as I hear a very familiar name.

"The news travelled fast that Ophelia Sinclair just moved from LA to New York. The daughter of billionaire William Sinclair and star designer Chloe Sinclair was seen strolling through the city and also at NYU. It seems like the young heiress is still following her mother's footsteps but why the sudden change of location?"

I switch the radio of as I don't want to hear more about that. Being on the news is one thing we grew up with which doesn't make it less annoying and hurting our privacy but it makes up deal with it easier. Sometimes you shouldn't listen to what they say about you because they basically make money from telling other people lies, especially when its concerning our families.

Shit! I forgot to text Ophelia about tonight. I was so busy this whole day that I didn't even had time to tell her and ask her about her first day but I was so stressed out at the office. I hope she is not mad at me because I already feel bad.

Aiden: I'm going out with my friends tonight. There's a senior welcome back party at the usual club. Sorry I couldn't tell you earlier I was at the office because my dad asked me to help him take care of a few things. Hope you had a great first day. I will call you tomorrow. Love you

Hopefully she reads it before she's going to bed. She isn't particularly a jealous person and trusts me a lot but I still like to tell her about my plans. Especially when pretty much the whole world thinks we're both single and people like to spread rumors after seeing us going out with friends.

I give the bouncer a small nod and walk past him into the club. That's one of the perks that comes with being known by many people.

The club is already packed with college students some I know most of them I don't but those who notice me seem to know who I am.

"Yo Aiden. You sure took your time." Mason calls out standing next to Paisley and the rest of our friend group.

"Well I'm here now I had to figure something out at the office." I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Well let's party." Bryce hollers and gets everyone around him to scream in approval. He starts walking towards a brunette already looking drunk and Elijah walks to a group of giggling girls. Madison joins him shortly after and makes her way to a girl with short bleached hair and heavy eyeliner while Mason and Paisley go to the dance floor. At the end only Hazel and I are left on the couch. As usual. We are practically club buddies because we are the only ones in our group that don't socialize in the club. Hazel is very introvert and not very outgoing while I'm not interested in dancing with random people when I have a wife.

"Want a drink?" I ask Hazel.

"Sure. A tequila would be nice." Hazel answers with a smile.

"I'll be right back." I get up and walk to the bar when a black-haired girl walks towards me and touches my chest. "Hey handsome." She says with a low voice that I guess is supposed to be sexy but it only annoys the fuck out of me.

I immediately slap her hand away from me, give her an angry glare and walk past her. What I learned over the years is that you don't get far with being nice. People don't take you seriously. Just because I haven't officially been in a relationship since I started dating Ophelia people think they can throw themselves at me. Of course there have been several rumors about my relationship status but I just ignore them. Unfortunately my mom gets her hopes up every time that I finally started seeing someone so that's pretty much my mothers favorite topic on our family Sundays.

I order the drinks and give the bar tender a big tip before returning to Hazel. She looks really concerned and deep into thoughts.

"What's going on with you, Hazie?" I ask.

"I don't know its very confusing. I need your help but you have to promise not to tell anyone, Denny. You have to promise." She exclaims.

"When have I ever let you down." She chuckles.

Hazel and I have known each other since we were five. Every time we went to Canada for winter vacation and Hazel's family across the street. Our families bonded at one of the many bon fires all neighbors came to. We were really good friends until the age of fourteen when we stopped going to Canada because my parents wanted to try something new so we went to Switzerland, then Austria, next France, Germany and Finland you get it. When I heard the news that Hazel was coming to New York I was more than happy. It was like getting back my long-lost sister. Many people used to think that we are a couple but there were never any romantic feelings involved.

"So there is this boy that I've liked for a long time now but it is very complicated and I don't know what to do."

"It's Bryce isn't it?" I ask carefully, trying to hide my smug face.

She looks at me with wide eyes and looks around if anyone is listening.

"How did you find out?"

"I know you and I've seen how you look at him." Now I can't help but smile.

"I just feel like he's not interested in me and I'm definitely not going to ask him. That's miles out of my comfort zone. You know that. And Maddie and I live together and now I'm interested in her best friend. It's just so messed up." She goes on with teary eyes.

I quickly hug her and let her cry into my shoulder. Hazel has always been very shy and really emotional and sensitive. By her reaction I can see how much she actually likes Bryce and him acting like the biggest player every time we go out doesn't make it any better.

Our friend group met in the first week of college at a party. I already knew Elijah and Hazel and then we met Madison and Bryce who have been best friends since kindergarten and when we were about to leave the party we met Mason and Paisley who were already dating since middle school and just recently moved from Chicago.

"Don't cry I will talk to him if you want. I promise I won't make it obvious." She nods and gives me a thankful expression.

She wipes away her tears and clears her throat. "When will you introduce your girlfriend to us? Everyone in the group is getting suspicious after all these years, especially because you used to have a few things going on in high school." Hazel is the only other person I told about Ophelia but the only thing she knows is that I'm dating someone. She respects that I don't want to tell her more for now and has kept it a secret.

"I really don't know."

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