Chapter 1: Christmas Break

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Grayson's POV:
I rubbed my eyes, as the dull light of the gloomy sky streamed through my curtains. I propped myself up on my elbows and heard my phone buzz from the reminder I had set. I craned my neck to the side, last day of Christmas break. I groaned and dropped down on my bed with a heavy thud, pulling the covers over my head.

"GRAAAAYSOON!" Ethan, screamed running into my room.

That's when it happened, a sharp pain prodding the side of my head. Oh yeah, did I mention I snuck out last night and got completely wasted. Shit. I'm hungover. Shit. I was grounded. But then again so was Ethan.

"Ethaaan, what in God's name would you want at 9:45 on a Sunday morning?" I question in a mocking tone.

"Man, I'm all over the place. Last night was a bad idea." He replied, nervously fiddling with his fingers.

I chuckled lightly, "Dude, you are such a girl She won't find out."

"I've been with Jade for a year now. It could be over. I'm such a DICK !" He yelled rolling my chair into the wall.

"You'll be fine just chi-"

"Chill?! How would you kno-"

"Um, it's Grayson Dolan you're talking to buddy" I got up, picking up the football tossing it between me hands as Ethan paced the room anxiously.

" You're right, you've done it, 100 times, you've survived, what's the worst that could happen?" He breathed out.

"Ouch. Off topic, we have school tomorrow so I am beyond devastated, however the short skirts of the cheerleaders have given me a new found energy." I said with a wink.

"God you're such an idiot."

"Tell me something I don't know."

"Hey I got a text from Jack G, a couple of new kids are starting tomorrow"

"In our grade ?"

"Yup. Oh and there is not football practice Tuesday, there's a pep rally at 5 and a couple of hours for just a hangout on the football field until 9. For the 11th grade and senior's but it's optional." Ethan blabbed on.

"I'm down. Tell the squad to be there, mass text. "

"Sweet well I'm going to get moving and get some school supplies from the store. You need anything?"

"Nah, I'm good bro."

"See ya later."

"Right back at ya."

Ethan shut my door. I scrolled onto Twitter made a tweet, followed fan accounts, updated my snapchat. Then the notifications started rolling in by the thousands. Including texts from clingy girls at school after they saw I was active. Sometimes I curse my celebrity status. God they were so desperate, but for me. They loved me, everyone loved me. I mean I've contemplated it before, everyone has right? I'm an all rounder sporty, and attractive plus the fame stamp gives me so much street cred it's laughable. I mass texted about 20 different girls, from different schools around NJ.
"Hey baby, sorry I missed your texts x"
I left it at that and spent the rest of the day physically and emotionally preparing myself for another damn semester, with a hangover making it ten times worse.

Hey guys, it's not a good chapter but I needed a start for a preview and insight into the story. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I will be updating regularly x 😘💕

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